Search Engine Optimization Archive

5 Web Design Trends that are Changing the Look of Marketing

There was a time when websites are all about the visual appeal, aiming to impress visitors of their aesthetics. But we have gone past that. Sites are now focusing on their functionality, and ultimately, on the user experience. These two are major ranking factors that site owners should really take seriously if they aim to …

Content Writing Tips for Readers and SEO

5 Ways to Create SEO-Friendly Content While Addressing User Intent: Gone are those days when you could put up search engine optimized content on your website and expect it to rank higher in the search results. SEO maybe still a thing, but in the past few years, a lot has changed in the field of …

11 Quick Tips for Better Affiliate SEO

Affiliate sites can still be a great form of passive income if you can get them set up correctly. These tips are ideal for people looking to improve their affiliate site to increase visitor numbers and in turn commissions

3 Ways to Shorten the Google Sandbox

The accepted range of being in the Google sandbox is between one and six months. When you begin to look into the average domain age of a site on page one, it can make any entrepreneur begin to wonder.