pjgermain Archive

Google Adsense Guide

Google AdSense Guide: How You Can Make Money in a Relatively Short Period of Time Google AdSense: What Is It? 3 Steps To Help You Better Understand How Google AdSense Works You Decide What and Where The Ads Will Show Up Real-Time Ad Placement Bids You’re Paid Based Upon ClickThroughs 5 Tips To Help You Earn …

Top 10 Off-Page SEO Factors

Perhaps, you’ve already taken care of your SEO campaign’s needs for on-page SEO factor integration needs. Now, it is time to take care of the off-page SEO factors integration. That’s how you can balance your site’s SEO needs while also ensuring greater ranking results.

Free Backlinks from Microsoft – The Sway Review

Windows 10 Can Wait – But, Sway and Docs.com is Ready Now With the recent release of Windows 10, Microsoft has announced a new collaborative app known as Sway.  I’ve been checking it out and it’s a very intuitive and easy to use publishing tool for images, videos, reports, even documents.  Best of all, it’s …

Free Apple Mobile Media Marketing Opportunity

As most of you know, or at least, should know.  Mobile Media Marketing is charging the way and vaulting past standard desktop for obtaining news and announcements on trends, social announcements and more importantly NEWS items.  So, how can you take advantage of this huge soaring marketing trend? Well, Apple has just announced a new …

Cool WordPress Hack for Branding Yourself

A Cool Little WordPress Hack for Branding Yourself If you want a professional website for your online or affiliate marketing, I can’t speak enough about how fantastic WordPress is and what it is capable of.  There are so many cool features and the learning curve is quite short.  I learned HTML before there were any …

Learn These 5 Rules of Mobile Media Marketing or Lose Huge Profits

Learn These 5 Rules of Mobile Media Marketing or Lose Huge Profits At the present time, mobile marketing is coming of age. Today, it led the rise in total U.S. ad spending with publishers and brands shelling out 83 percent on tablets and smartphones than they did back in 2013. With the average consumer spending …

The Professional Website SECRET!

There аrе ѕо mаnу орроrtunitiеѕ online. Dо уоu knоw what уоu really wаnt? Dо you just go frоm орроrtunitу tо орроrtunitу? The timе hаѕ come tо ѕtор and work out whаt you rеаllу wаnt to do with уоur life. With thе еxрlоѕiоn оf thе internet, thеrе hаѕ never been a bеttеr time tо ѕtер оut …

Pure Leverage Review

Pure Leverage by Joel Therien Review Product Name:  Pure Leverage Website:  pureleverage.com Price: $24.95 Owners:  Joel Therien Overall Rank: 15 out of 100 Verdict:  SCAM! Pure Leverage, like a pyramid scheme? Like it was called as the “complete” solution everyone will want, the Pure Leverage was revealed in the market with an introductory price of about $24.95. …

The TOP 10 Social Media Marketing Hacks

TOP 10 Social Media Marketing Hacks Social Media Marketing Hacks You Should Be Using for Maximum Website Traffic Social media is quickly becoming one of the most effective tools to generate leads, traffics and sales. In fact, social media marketing may already be the number one way that businesses use to increase their brand’s awareness …

The Top 10 Online Marketing Hacks

Top 10 Online Marketing Hacks Many people may think that revisiting some important keys in online marketing strategy accounts for a total overhaul. But the truth is just the smallest changes can have the biggest impacts. These are conveniently called as marketing hacks. In line with that, here are the top ten online marketing hacks …

Triple your Sales Conversions with Dynamic Email Marketing

Dynamic Email Marketing They say that email marketing is already an old-fashioned technique when it comes to effective and up to date marketing strategies. Truth is, mobile and social media marketing apparently get the consumer’s’ attention because they are on trend. However, marketing efforts done through email is still an effective strategy if you really …

Drive Website Traffic with an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Website Traffic and Your Content Market Strategy are Directly Proportional An effective content marketing strategy is all you need in order to drive massive long term website traffic and launch your business through the roof. It is very important to consider success factors if you really want to succeed in your marketing efforts. To be …

How to: Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing How To In the world we live in today, the competition for traffic has become so rampant. As each day passes, new bloggers join in this race to be seen by the vast majority and so it is left to you as a business owner to know how to keep yourself in …

The Neucopia Review

Is Neucopia Your Way Out of Debt? – The Neucopia Review Name:  Neucopia Website:  neucopia.com Price: $49.95/month Basic, $169.95/month Premium Owners: Rich Cook Overall Rank: 30 out of 100 points Program Overview – Neucopia Review Okay, as you know, we at Pure Residuals search for and test the best affiliate marketing or online business opportunities out …