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7 Overlooked Details When Creating Your Website

When you’re designing your website, which among the essential details matter to you? Do you prioritize the aesthetic appeal of your website design? Or are you after the functionality and usability?  

When you talk of website design, you would be reminded that there are several overlooked details in website design. You’ll have to spend a lot of time and energy to make your website functional and appealing to users.  

Therefore, in this article, you’ll be familiar with some of the overlooked but important details when creating a website.  

Typography Design

Web Design Typography

Typography is one of the most important things to consider when designing a website. It’s how you use the type to create a more significant meaning when choosing the right font, size, alignment, color, layout, and other factors that greatly affect the design of type on a page.  

It’s a combination of art and science when you know when to use a large headline, bold blocks, and smaller-sized text in your copy’s body. You can discover this when you learn some practical guidelines about your website’s right use of typography.  

The first thing you need to consider is the readability factor. Some of the fonts you’ll find for web design are Sans-Serif, Sans-Roman, Script, Serif, Decorative, and others.  

If you take some time and think about the importance of typography design on the website, you’ll be able to come up with a few ways to make sure your website looks excellent and relevant to what you’re trying to offer.

User Experience and Navigation

easy website navigation

One of the major challenges you’d face is usability and user experience. These two are very important components of any website and shouldn’t be given less importance. Therefore, the navigation must never be ignored. 

Navigation does not necessarily have to do with the size or shape of a website. Instead, it’s the ease with which the user can find the content of the website. It implies that the navigation should be logical, clear and precise. If your navigation isn’t consistent throughout your website, then your users would get frustrated.

Site Map

Building a Sitemap

A site map is considered one of the important aspects of a website design that helps the website visitor find their way through your site easily. It’s like a blueprint of your page which helps the search engines index your website contents. It can be helpful in many ways like navigation, search engine optimization (SEO), sales, and marketing.  

As you know, every page of your website contains an index containing all the information about that particular page, such as the title, the link to the home page, and so on. But this isn’t very useful when the links are not arranged properly because it’s difficult for the visitors to follow the site map and navigate your site easily. So, a site map should be placed in the right way to find the information they want to know easily.

Meta Data

Metadata allows the webmaster to control the content of the website. With proper use of the meta tag, a webmaster can control what the search engine will find on the site. Most search engines allow the site owner to control the meta information of the website. To understand better, take this illustration. 

Every website meta data is a representation of the actual webpage. Therefore, a website designed by someone without any knowledge of HTML or other code languages such as C++ or Java is at a disadvantage to the one created by someone who knows HTML and codes. Even though the latter has more programming language and knowledge of HTML, the former still holds. 

The importance of metadata can be found in other areas of programming when you have a website. The webserver stores the HTML, Java, and other scripts needed to build a website. These scripts and codes are stored in the website’s database. The database is where the metadata is kept.


Wordpress Plugins

The importance of plugins to website development is growing in importance. It’s a piece of software that can be added to your website, containing a group of functions.  

There are different kinds of plugins that can enhance the functionality of a website. Some of these plugins are necessary to have an online store. Others are necessary to support online advertisement programs and some are just plain fun plugins that increase the visitor’s engagement.  

When deciding which plugins to use, it’s essential to consider how useful they will be. For instance, if you’re building a website to sell products, then the plugin needs to be capable of converting sales leads into actual sales.

SSL Certification

One of the most beneficial aspects of website designing is the importance of a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate, which shows that your website is safe and free from most online threats.  

Also, SSL certification will help you prove that you’re serious about the business and that you’re aware of the various threats faced in the world of online marketing and eCommerce. Security plays a vital role in website designing and development, and therefore you should be very careful while choosing the type of certificate for your website.



A good website designer can help you put your call-to-action buttons in the right places on your website so your visitors will always take action that suits your business needs. You can use many different types of graphics to customize the appearance of your CTA buttons and the rest of your website elements. Graphics can help draw your visitor’s eye to the right area of your website where the call to action is needed.


These are just a few details in website design that shouldn’t be overlooked because they can help you improve your website’s overall efficiency and success. These details will improve the usability and the overall user experience, which will improve your conversion rate. You’ll find that your conversion rate will go up considerably once you start using practical website design tips. It’s because of the increase in customer satisfaction, which should be the overall objective of any business in creating a website.

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