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Top Five Essentials to Create Engaging Email Marketing Content

Essential Email Marketing Content

Everybody has at least one email box that they use frequently. It has become a very basic way of getting in touch, exchanging information, being up to date with the news, managing your subscriptions and get ads and offers that interest you. How many times have you pressed the “Subscribe to newsletter” button on a brand’s page or a business you appreciate?

Each time, you pressed it because you know that you will check your email constantly and you will get the news you want to get. But, as time goes by since that button was clicked, you also get news that you are not interested in and suddenly you stop reading that newsletter even before hitting the unsubscribe button.


  1. Settling on a fruitful campaign

When you own a business, things change: your interests change and you might actually be very focused on how you and your competitors choose your marketing strategies, how your newsletter looks like before releasing it and all the details you know are thought about in a campaign. A lot of work and effort is put into the email marketing campaign’s content and it’s very true that these campaigns often include discounts and special offers that help the customer, but always keep in mind that it’s not always enough to keep that user reading your emails and you need a few tricks on your sleeve. You need to learn to structure your email and choose its wording in order to create engaging content that will keep your customers interested and recommend your business to others.

  1. Write a relevant and engaging subject line

This will be the first thing that the recipient sees and the question on their mind is: “Why Business X sent me this message?” You will want to use a subject line that addresses a desire or a need of your customer. Give them a reason to open your email and read further. You may include the prospect of a discount, a piece of new information about your products or an interesting teaser to a new promotion: don’t write a vague subject for your email, but don’t include in it the major piece of information you are sending.


  1. Keep the body of the email short and to the point

Ok, the recipient opened the email and is reading it, but don’t send the long story of your products, don’t write novels because emails are meant to be short and to the point. Don’t include fluff information, just provide the essential message in a pleasant way. Emails are read quickly, keep that in mind when choosing what to underline, what to emphasize and what to keep in small letters.

Use bullet points, strong simple words to describe what the point of the message is and don’t overwhelm the recipient with too many gimmicks and glitter – you want your customer to remember something about your email or to take action.

  1. Embellish your words smartly

At the previous point I was emphasizing the importance of a short and concise email, but don’t make it dull and impersonal. Yes, keep the information clean and clear, but use enticing adjectives and words that trigger emotions – appeal to the customer’s needs and wishes. For example, instead of writing “We added a strawberry flavored spray to our collection”, you can write “Feel the joy of summer and surround yourself with sweetness with our new Strawberry Spray!”

  1. End your email with a call to action

With email marketing, your ultimate goal is to make people buy more of your products or be aware of your brand etc. Once you got the recipient to open up his email and to read what you have to say, you need to define a clear call to action: visit our website, browse the new collection here, or click here to buy.


The way you write your email marketing content should deliver the style the customers are used to, but always deliver a new and interesting piece of information. You will be surprised at how useful email marketing still is! But it needs to be done right: you need a strategy, a goal, a vision. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Smarter people than you can teach valuable lessons!

charles-goodwinAuthor Bio: Charles Goodwin is the writer to this article. He is a regular contributor at many sites and mainly focuses on business and marketing related topics. He also writes for a site offering direct mail marketing services.

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