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How to Use Google Trends for YouTube

Are you looking for help with using Google trends for YouTube? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here we will discuss the different ways Google trends can benefit your YouTube channel.  

What Are Google Trends?

Google Trends

For a layman, knowing Google trends is uncommon. This is why I am here to help you out. Google trends is a feature that shows how many times a certain term has been searched on the internet. It relates to the site and it’s all over search volume. Many marketers use Google trends to bring their site up and to find out if there are any fluctuations in the keyword search volume over a period of time. 

Now you may be wondering how is data represented in Google trends: 

It is actually quite complex, Google trends does not actually show the volume of search for a single keyword or query. Instead, it represents the holistic popularity of a specific search term. The main purpose of that is to compare the popularity of two search terms.

Where does YouTube come into the mix? 

All You Need to Know YouTube Marketing

If you are planning on using Google trends for YouTube, you must know the basics of the YouTube algorithm and completely understand the YouTube algorithm.

Let’s first take a dip in Google trends.

Most people confuse themselves by thinking that it is Google trends that gives you a report of the search volume for different search terms and titles. However, that is not the case. Google trends in actuality makes the comparison between search terms a whole lot easier. The data is reported in such a way that every point of data is divided using the complete search number with addition to the place and time associated with it. The result from that calculation is then scaled according to different aspects. In much simpler words, Google trends shows how interested people from different places in the world are in a specific topic.

Next on the list is the YouTube algorithm.

What exactly does the YouTube algorithm entail? In simple words, the YouTube algorithm controls what the audience on YouTube views. The algorithm recommends viewers different videos and according to research, most people pay heed to the recommendations. The algorithm together focuses on the performance of every single video. The things it focuses primarily on are the clicks it gets, the engagement of viewers, popularity and click-through rates.

Now that you understand the basics, let’s dive right into how you can use Google Trends for YouTube.

Tip No.1: 


Google trends feature a list of different categories for users. You can go through this list and see which of these categories relate to your channel. Do not be very strict with the categories as there are certain topics that over-lap in-between different categories. Look at all the trending topics and see what relates to your channel. To take a deeper look into each of the categories, you can click on them and review all the content that is tagged under that category. Some of the categories include Arts, Entertainment, Beauty, Business, and Autos. Tag your YouTube posts with these categories so that it reaches a much larger audience.

Tip No. 2: 

Trending Topics Across Different Platforms 

Google trends are very helpful when you have a holistic approach. Using Google trends, you can rectify all the leading topics. The list is not limited to a specific platform but consists of all over web search. It is not even difficult to find them, all you have to do is do a simple search on the web or Youtube itself. Doing this will help you make aware as to what the world is talking about. This is very handy as you can even address these discussions whatever chance you get. Hitting on trending topics is great for your YouTube channel. Content creation is usually fed by these trends. Many Youtubers are seen climbing on to the bandwagon and making videos on all the trending topics. If such is the case, Google trends can be the savior for your YouTube channel. It is best to stick to trending topics on YouTube as they are made for a targeted audience. If you mix the trending topics from two different platforms, you may not get the results you are looking for.

Tip No. 3: 

Seasons Come And Go But Content Stays 

When you are planning to create content you must go through Google trends to find out what is popular in what season. For example, certain videos will not engage an audience as they are not timely. At that specific moment, your audience may not be interested in what you have to say. The same video might do wonders when it is posted in a timely manner. Therefore, take out a diary and make notes. Plan your content way before so that you know which type of content will work for which season.

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Moving on from the seasonal aspect, you must also be conscious of the situation before you publish content. Google trends will help you analyze what topics are being searched for. This way you can be prepared and make a timely video. Let’s take the example of a recent situation. While the world is going through a pandemic, most people are self-quarantined in their homes. They do not have the luxury to head over to a salon for a quick haircut. The pandemic has prolonged for a year, in this duration, our hair is bound to grow out. The idea here is to address the issue, many people will be looking for hair cutting videos on YouTube. Being a content creator, you must take advantage of the situation and make a video on cutting your hair yourself. Since it is the need of the time and a commonly searched topic, your video will do wonders. w

Tip No.4: 

Focus On Keywords 

The entire game revolves around keywords You need to look for the right keywords that you can focus on. Google trends focuses on popular topics rather than the search volume. This is why you should focus on popular topics too. The data Google gathers helps generate keywords and topics you can use. When you can view these topics, it will help you target the keywords and gain more engagement. Timely keywords will help you get your content to the top. Keep an eye out on all the keywords so that the content you generate is timely. Topics slowly die down which is why you must be quick and work on it as soon as you get the chance. This way you will be able to create relevant content for your audience.

Tip No. 5: 

Focus Region 

You may not know this but there are topics that are popular region-wise. Google trends identifies those topics and helps content creators focus on them by making it a part of Google trends. Optimization is not only global, but it can also be local. Content creators can focus on these local trends and reap the benefits of engagement. People around you are most likely to be viewing your content which is why they should be prioritized. Google trends also allows you to further compare locations and observe the similarities in popular content. By making great use of this feature you will surely be able to work on your ranking and increase visibility.

Now that you know how you can use Google Trends for YouTube, let’s take it a step further:

How To Use Google Trends To Generate Video Inspiration 

Content creators are always on the search for inspiration and ideas. To keep your page alive you need to keep coming up with ideas for new videos, Google trends can help you with that. Since it is a free tool there’s no reason for you to say no. There’s absolutely no harm. Without wasting any more time, let’s get right on it.

Video Marketing

Step 1: 

Keep an eye on what’s trending. When you log on to Google trends you will be able to see all that is trending around you. You will be able to view something called the featured insights. The topics mentioned here are the most commonly searched topics. Along with it, you will also find the graphs of the recent traffic they get. There is a lot more information that you get from this site including all the stories that are covering these popular topics and so on. You can make a reference to these stories if you want in the videos you make. It depends on how you use the information; it is available for all to use.

Step 2: 

Using Google trends you can even find out targeted searches such as the categories that are related to the channel you have. For example, if you have a lifestyle based channel you can look into categories such as entertainment, health, and décor. These categories will help you look for relevant popular stories.

In addition to that, you can also alter the location and look for stories that are in the region of your choice. You may have an audience pouring in from all over the world and as a responsible content creator, you must think about your audience from all over the globe. This will help you increase popularity all over the world. You will be able to focus on stories that are local. Talking about them in your videos can be of great importance to the local audience, you may even get more viewers.

Just make sure you make good decisions. If you do not know much about a certain topic, it is best to not talk about it. If you want to anyway, make sure that you do your research. Researching will help you gather all the useful information and you will be able to incorporate that in your YouTube videos without offending someone or getting negative attention. Refrain from having strong opinions as the local news of your audience might not concern you directly. Therefore, you are in no position to have a strong opinion.

Step 3:

Now that you have come up with a topic suitable for your video, what is the next step? Its keywords! As we have already established how important keywords are you must think about all the keywords that will relate to your topic.

Here you will have to put in the hard work. Make a list of all the keywords that you think might relate to your topic and then type them each in the Google trends search bar. You will be able to find out the complete history of the keyword terms and how many times it has been used since it came into being.

You will be able to see which of the keywords are more popular currently and then use them in the title of your videos. In addition to that, you must include words that explain just what your video is. YouTubers make videos like reviews, DIYs, and a lot more. It is best if you write that in the title of your video. Before you do that, add these terms to your preferred keyword and do a quick search. You will be able to find out if the complete keyword is popular or not.

To get more insight, you can come up with more such terms and then compare them using Google trends. Whichever keyword is more popular you should use that in your YouTube title. If you want to get more information or inspiration, you can search the keywords on YouTube directly and look at what pops up. You may even get ideas as to what you can come up with a better and more creative piece of content.

Use these steps and your videos will do very well on the YouTube algorithm. But wait there is more. We want your YouTube channel to succeed and for that, we bring you the top trends on YouTube for the year 2020.

Life Hacks 

Such videos are very popular on YouTube. Many people are investing their time coming up with interesting life hacks. You can start working on different life hacks that relate to your channel. You can take examples from other channels offering the same thing to their audience. This is considered to be addictive and audiences love watching life hacks even if they don’t try it for themselves.


While people are quarantined in their homes, they are looking for different things and transforming something is a good idea. You can either plan a transformation video for your room or you can even transform your look. At the moment transformation videos are very popular and even fun to watch. You can document even the tiniest details and your audience will love to watch it. Add a little drama when you reveal the new look and that’s it! Your video will do great!


ASMR Interest

As bizarre as it sounds, ASMR videos are highly popular on YouTube. People from all over the globe are putting up ASMR videos. It does not necessarily have to be of someone eating something but even breaking of glass or other objects can be considered ASMR. If your channel is not a food-based channel that does not mean you cannot post an ASMR video. Even if you are opening up PR packages, you can make an ASMR video and post. Just make sure you have a good mic that picks up on even the slightest sounds.

Minimal Living 

Since the new generation is obsessed with minimalism, minimalistic living is all the hype. If you are a fan of minimalism and lead your life accordingly, you can make a video and upload it. This is very interesting for the generation of today and since people are at home with plenty of time this video is the need of the time. You can help people declutter their closets, homes or even shelves.


The quarantine has got everyone in the workout mode. Fitness is a popular topic year-round. You may want to play that to your favor and let the video do its work. If you are not a fitness freak that’s even better. There is a lot of untapped markets that you can enter if you take up a fitness challenge for yourself. You don’t need to do something too harsh but work out every day and mindful eating can bring a great change.  

Hopefully, these tips and tricks will help you on your YouTube journey. I have tried my best to explain things and provide all-rounded assistance with Google trends and how you can use them for your benefit.

About the Author

Jade Wyatt is a marketing expert and has an MBA. She works with companies and individuals with their digital visibility. In addition to that, she also provides dissertation help to students who are struggling with the research and writing procedure.

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