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How to Help Google Find Your New Content

Help Google Find Your Content

Newest content faces one of the biggest challenges when it comes to SEO:

Lack of visibility within the search engines.

If you fail to observe certain rules, practices, and measures, the search result pages will be displaying only the older content. If you find yourself missing out on huge key traffic opportunities on your new content, you need to ask yourself several key questions such as:

Does Your Website Structure Interfere With How Your New Pages Get Promoted?

Your website structure should promote your new pages in a manner that they deserve. The number of internal links that they get and their depth in the website structure (the number of clicks from the homepage) often influences how the new content get crawled by Google. This mostly applies to those people in content marketing.

Do Your New Pages Generate Traffic Instantly?

The visibility of new pages differs; there are those which generate traffic instantly after being published and there are others that don’t. It is important to know whether your new web pages are those which generate traffic instantly or take time before being discovered by Google.

Does The Quality Of Your Content Sell Your Website?

A potential reason for your new pages not being crawled may be poor content that is not optimized. If a certain page on your site is found to contain little original content, Google tends not to crawl often on the other pages on that site in future.  Your on-page SEO factors are a crucial element to major organic website traffic.  Check out my free On-Page SEO Checklist for more details.

Also, poor content might be one of the reasons why your new pages don’t generate traffic despite being crawled by Google; they haven’t met ranking standards.

Having checked the above questions about what might be making your new pages miss out on key traffic opportunities, we can now look into how you can ensure that your new pages/content is found on the search engine result page.



1. Ensure That You Only Publish High-Quality Content

This is the backbone of any optimization strategy. High-quality content that is relevant will attract your targeted audience to your site. Quality content enables other sites to link to yours. This will help your site get traffic in a faster way. Besides, a site with quality information is more likely to keep people who find you through the search engines engaged, and encourage them to become repeat visitors and friends of your business or organization.

In so doing, your new pages will be getting readership from the returning visitors in a natural way. Consistent traffic, coupled by the SEO optimization, will help your site/new pages rank higher at a faster rate.

2. Help The Search Engines Find Your New Pages

Search engines read massive volumes of content on the web with software programs called “spiders” or “robots.” This programs “crawl” or navigate the web. The robots create an index that composes, essentially, all the pages they have found and their content as well as the words that are contained on these pages.

You have to make sure that your website is found by these spiders so that it is included in those indexes. If you find out that some of your pages, mostly the newer pages, are not included in the indexes, you can submit your site using the Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) or Bing Webmaster Tools. However, this is certainly not a quick means to be included in the indexes.

Experts argue that a better way to make sure that your pages are indexed is to get other indexed sites linked to your site. You can start by getting general-interest sites linking to your site or listing related directories to your site. Any of these could provide the link you might need to be indexed.

3. Publish Original Content

Conduct and only use original research to come up original content. Developing original content can be time-consuming and often calls for outsourcing. However, coming up with original content can be valuable to your audience. Credible sources will share content that is original and helpful. Besides, people may share, link, or bookmark your content because it’s unique and original. Also, this will help avoid any search engine penalties from having copied information on your website.  Verify each article with CopyScape or the SmallSEOTools’ Plagiarism Checker.

This will help you build up an audience over time, and you won’t have a problem with getting traffic for your newer pages as the audience you have built over time will serve as your readers of the new content.

keywords for SEO

4. Look For Keywords To Use In Your Content

Even if we are talking about how people can find your site as a whole, they are unlikely to be looking for your site in particular. They are much more likely to be looking for quality and resourceful information or a resource on a specific topic, which they will find by searching the first words that pop up to their mind when they think about the topic. These words are known as keywords in SEO lingo.

To identify the popular keywords that people use when searching for a specific topic, and for which they would be found, is a critical step in content marketing and SEO. Essentially, for your new pages to be found in search engines, you have to combine useful and quality information for your audience with corresponding keywords.  Check out one of the best advanced keyword research tools available.

You need to find a way to use the keywords and discover how to create keyword lists related to your specific topic in a natural way so that they don’t look as though they have been imposed. So, how do your identify the common keyword related to your topic? First, you need to identify phrases that are specific to your site. When coming up with keywords, consider the following;

What phrases are related to your website?

Start the process of keyword search by listing phrases and words that you are already using in your content marketing. The name of your business is an automatic choice together with the name of any renowned people that are associated with you. If you have a brief mission statement that summarizes what you do, you can list it in your keyword list as well.

How are people finding you?

You can use the Google analytics tool to find out the phrases that people are using to find you in search engines. This will help you tailor your keyword according to how people search for your content or website. Think about how you can make it easier for people to find you using these phrases.

Which keywords are people using in your domain?

You can use several Google tools to help you identify the keywords that are related to your topic. Add these additional LSI keywords to the ones that you already have.

There are no restrictions to the number of keywords that you should use in your content. But, don’t overuse your primary keyword or your pages will get devalued by Google. You can start with a few of them and add on that in your subsequent content.

5. Encourage Others To Link To Your Site

One of the most critical aspects of SEO is having inbound links from other sites to yours. Several links will help the search engines find your pages. However, when your site gets lots of links, the search engine will see your site as an important resource for particular topics.


The more links you get from authority or credible sites (websites that rank high on the search engine results pages themselves), the higher you’ll rank in the search engine result page. For a start, make sure that you are included in virtually all the directories related to the topic you are covering.

To increase your chances of getting links from credible sites, you have to offer quality and resourceful content that is well supported by facts.

6. Have A Search-Friendly Website Structure

For your new content to be found easily in the search engine, your site has to be simple and straightforward. Having a detailed structure can affect your ranking in the search engine in several ways. If you are conversant with how a site is constructed and the technical terms and concepts of the web development, you need to leave this section to the expert.

Robots don’t read information in the same way that people would. Therefore, follow some basic guidelines about basic-site-structure to ensure that the robots can find and read your information.

  • Include content early in the text of the page. When looking for keywords in content marketing, search the priority keywords that show up early in each HTML page. Structure your Google page in a way that the HTML code includes the information as early as possible as opposed to the normal navigation bars, sidebars, and complex headers that you get before the actual page text.
  • Ensure that there is a link to every page on your site. The JavaScript navigation schemes, especially those that use rollovers, can make it hard for the robots to follow a link. Also, dynamic URL with a question mark can make it hard for spiders to find your new pages. You can convert the dynamic URLs so that they seem like static pages.
  • Use standard header tags. Search engines prioritize content that is formatted and divided in standard formatting tags. Therefore, to help Google find your new content easily, use these header tags as opposed to creating customized names for your header styles.
  • On-page SEO Factors
  • Off-Page SEO Factors

7. Using Newsletters

This is not old school as some may see it. Sending a newsletter to your subscribers via an email is a great way to keep in touch with your loyal clients and prospects. Newsletters provide an opportunity to add new content to your website. This content will likely be indexed by search engines and appear in the search results.

GetResponse Email Marketing

You can include an HTML version of the newsletters to make it easier for people to see what you offer. Besides you can accompany the newsletters with messages in your page columns to make people aware of your services or products.

Newsletters will attract people to your site as they’ll follow the links included in the newsletters and this will serve as added traffic to your site.

8. Adding Videos and Podcasts

Videos can be used to add information to your site and can also be hosted on many other sites where they might be found in search results. You can create videos for almost all topics including your product or service overviews, testimonials, helpful information, and much more.

By uploading resourceful videos on your site, you can help increase the sites linking to your website. This is because the authority sites do not prefer adding videos to their site so as to avoid lagging. Therefore, if you attach a helpful video on your site, they can link to it. This will not only increase traffic to your new pages but will also improve the ranking of your site in search result page.

If you take part in podcasts production, check the copyrights to see your limits. If the copyrights rules allow you to host them, then you can add some to your site or links to others hosted elsewhere accompanied by a full transcript and descriptive information about them. The search engine will find them.

A complete description or full transcription of a video file can be helpful to your site visitors as they will read the description to determine whether they’ll watch the video or not. At other times, the description might convince them to watch the video. However, you need to optimize your videos for SEO.

Content Marketing Strategy

9. Add New Pages Frequently

Search engines like new content and new pages. Try to add new reports, news releases, and new stories so that the search engines feel that your site is regularly updated and thus should frequently be indexed. If your site is infrequently updated, it can take long before search engines find your occasional new additions. I highly recommend having a solid Content Marketing Strategy ahead of time to carefully plan out your future content needs and  create a massive keyword-rich content and traffic magnet.

You can use blogs to add new pages to your site. Besides, the blogs can also provide quality information that can be linked to by others, not to mention the way a blog can help in outreach and marketing.

10. Exercise Patience

Search engines take some time to respond. Indexing will not happen in an overnight, in fact, it can take even a month or more to see significant results. However, you shouldn’t give up; keep adding new content, keep including new content to your site, and keep asking other websites to link to your resources.

Once you start seeing the results, don’t rest, put more effort; the web is dynamic and new articles, new websites, and new search engine priorities can affect your ranking.

Check in search results often for your new keywords to help maintain your position.

How to Help Google Find Your New Content: Closing Thoughts

Once your blog or website get indexed, you’ll begin to get more traffic from the search engines. This means that your new content will be discovered faster if you have an RSS feed or have set up sitemaps. You can ensure that your new pages are discovered quickly by sharing them on social media networks.

Also, keep in mind that blog content gets indexed and crawled much faster than the regular pages on websites. Therefore, consider having a blog that’s hosted on your website.  See my previous article on the Top 5 Best Blogging Platforms. This will help the new pages get discovered faster by the Google robots.

content marketing and seo

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  1. Deon Christie
    • Pj Germain

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