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10 Web Design Trends That Will Push the Business Forward in 2019

Its hard to believe, but the truth is 2018 has changed the designing aspects at a larger scale. Now, in the mid of 2019, the latest web design trends are all set to push the business one step forward.

Over time, new styles or format comes over the floor to spray its colors all over the business. Earlier, Financial Website Design was not considered an important part of the world, everyone takes it lightly but now it has brought up huge change in the market.

Thoroughly read the 10 web design trends that are followed by designers in 2019 to hit success.

1.    Black and white palettes

2019 web design trends

Colors are a reflection of your brand and these are considered as the most important element in a website. It impresses the visitors through visual landmarks. In 2019, the black and white palettes trend shows the dare to stand out from the crowd.

These days, the black and white theme is gone viral. It visualizes different parameters; textures and shapes are clearly visible and every single detail is perfectly shown to an unprofessional person.

The white color itself is a dominant shade when comes to style the website. The most alluring design wake up when black and white shades are displayed with a mix of little accent color.

2.    Full-screen videos

In the year 2019, the important trend that is pushing the business is full-screen videos.

full-screen videos

Visualize things are more attractive than text and audience love to hear your services instead of reading through content. Moreover, videos are considered more informative and convenient to use. Because people don’t have to work hard to scroll from top to bottom to see the video. Videos keep stable at one place and with one click it stops and starts.

Merely, place a smart device in front of you and with just a click button enjoy the whole video without any distraction. Apart from this, it displays information in a more appealing way.     

3.    Organic shapes

Previously, geometric shapes and corners lines are more dominant than any other style. In 2019, the trend has gone smooth with natural and organic shapes. It makes you feel comfortable and with ease, you can click at different pages and independently go into the depth of the websites.

Through the movement of images, you can realize everything is natural on your website and people can easily relate themselves with your website.

Most websites are looked like, they are made naturally and are meant to raise certain sections of your websites.  

4.    Mobile-friendly website designs

Mobile Friendly Web Design

If you keep following our blog, you get to know this trend is going everywhere with you. It is not only important but necessary for running a business.

Last year report says, 52.2% of online traffic was generated by mobile users. It is all clear that more than half of the population is dependent on their smartphones.

If you want to interact with your clients globally, it’s really important to have a mobile-friendly website. If your website is not following mobile-friendly scenario, this year is right to make a change.

Not only mobile-friendly but it would be great to have a responsive website. The website can easily adjust to any screen size whether its laptop, tablet, and mobile device.     

5.    Outlined type

In web design, typography is one major element that needs to be considered. Therefore, we always in search of new trends especially for writing text.

typography in web design

When you heard the outlined type format, we jump up to see what new is introduced in the market!!

This empty or half-filled format holds an individual’s eye for a minute on it. It is a completely different zone and if you remember in artwork, we always prefer to outline the headings to make it an exclusive section. Likewise, it captures the same sense with a slightly modern touch. But this is more reliable, designers should carry it with their experience.

6.    Content still a king

SEO Content Marketing

The trend comes and goes but what stays longer; content. Whether animation, videos, and images fill the maximum space of a website but can a website run without content.

Exactly, content still rules with images and videos. Need to add a little description to explain the concept and hidden meaning of that particular visualization.

Quality content generates the reader’s interest. But how to gain reader’s engagement in your text? Make a design in flow and add simpler and easier content to read and understand.

7.    Immersive experiences

Everything is done with web design. Wait!! Audio can improve the user’s experience. It can be a challenging decision but successful.

Add the right sound design, music and cannot set the audio basis on mood but to connect users emotionally. This is the major growing trend in the business world.   

8.    Diversity


To connect real people with real things, add diverse ideas and themes in the web design. Common ideas cannot stay in an individual’s mind for a longer duration, so to engage more users diverse images are the main concern.

In 2019, the web designers take a long step from simple concepts to diverse imagery. The world has to go in the long run, so start it now and learn how to split yourself from past trends.

9.    Serif fonts

Sans is clear and easy to read font style for web text. On certain pages of your website, the brand name has to go bold serif. It is considered as more decorative style and maximum designers prefer to use it in their creative work.

10.  Serious logo

serious logo

Creativity can be visible in a serious logo. Avoid old and funny logos to create your business identity. It will look dull and unprofessional.

This year, switch to serious logos to emit positive vibes to show much seriousness towards your clients and their projects. A serious logo doesn’t mean boring but it would be simple, clear and attractive to shake the market with unique website designing for your business.       

Ready to bring your website in 2019 and want to shine in the coming years?

Follow these website design trends!!

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