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The Guide for Writing Highly Profitable Affiliate Posts

To create an affiliate marketing post, it’s not enough to post a good photo and tell what miraculous product you have. Unfortunately, this no longer works. Now you need to learn how to correctly lead the reader to the decision to purchase.

Writing Affiliate Marketing Posts

To do this, you need to learn how to show the real benefits and advantages, so that a person has no choice but to perform the actions you need. That is why we decided to prepare this guide which will help you create not just posts, but also increase sales. Get ready, there will be a lot of useful information!

How to Promote Affiliate Products?

Pure advertising of the product is no longer suitable. Users have become too well-versed in marketing, and this has made it very difficult to grab their attention. In the best case, you simply get a Like on the publication, and in the worst, you just lose most of your audience.

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It is better to use the approach of tips or reviews. Today, useful material is very welcome on the Internet. This way you can build trust among your users. And in the case of affiliate marketing, you will have to perform two tasks at the same time – to provide benefits in your texts plus quietly but effectively promote and sell an affiliate product.

In fact, a person does not need goods and services. Are you surprised right now, right?

People need a solution to the problem! And each product can become a way out of a particular situation. This is the approach you should use every time you work on creating a post.

Affiliate Marketing Successful Post Options

Affiliate Marketing for Business

What should this post be like in order to receive sales? This is the post that makes the user want to perform the target action, for example, to subscribe to the newsletter, follow the link or place an order. In other words, your post should be an advertising text that motivates the reader to fulfill the appeal that you write in it. But today the rules for writing such a text have changed significantly.

Whether the audience fulfills the call to action depends on how convincingly you wrote the text and what feelings it evokes in your reader. Have you focused on the readers’ problems?

These are the basic requirements, without which your words simply won’t work.

However, only one element may work for you. It all depends on each situation, so you need to experiment. There is no single recipe for publication success for everyone, but we decided to prepare a standard guide that will make your post fit the modern requirements.

The Role of Photo Content in Publications


This aspect requires special attention when considering affiliate marketing on a social network, and especially on Instagram. In all other social networks, you can do without inspirational images, but not here.

This is the main attribute that makes up the motley ribbon of all the publications you follow. Thanks to the photo, each account has its individual and unique design in the form of nice square images. And uniqueness is what you need to successfully promote affiliate marketing products.

A picture is the first thing a reader sees in his feed. Before moving on to the question of how to make a post, you need to consider the features of photo content for both site and Instagram. For example, on Instagram, all further interaction with the intended client depends on this. Will he go on to read the text under it, and then go to the account itself or scroll down the tape further? Here is what you need to do with the photo to make the consumer want to stop and get acquainted with the brand.

  • Quality: It should be neither an amateur photo of low quality nor a spectacular photo like a glossy magazine. This is the first thing that decides whether to read your article or not. If you do not know how to create high-quality photographs, you need to either seek professional help or take courses in photography. Especially today they offer to take photo training specifically for social networks. In general, it doesn’t matter what you choose, but without high-quality photos, you can’t advance.
  • Affiliate product: Your image should demonstrate the affiliate product. It is important to show imagination and present it in the best possible way. For example, you can show its profits and how unusual people can use it. If necessary, you can make a nice inscription on the photo. But with this, you should not violate the attractive color scheme and still, it would be better if the photo was of high quality.
  • WOW effect: In your photo content, you need to show the buyer a solution to his urgent need and present it in an emotional background. That is, the reader needs to evoke an emotion of admiration and a desire to move on. If you do not know how to create a wow effect, then you can familiarize yourself with this information.
  • Photo size: This is quite an important characteristic, regardless of whether you will post the image on Instagram or website. The large size of the photo on the site will slow down its work. And if you consider Instagram, you can spoil the visual effect. For this social network, you can use a square image of size 612х612. There are many different services with which you can change the size. For example, Canva allows you to change not only size but also create logos and add inscriptions. Moreover, it is in free access.

A Catchy Headline Is Half the Success


To some extent, it should be viral and at the same time beat the key problem of your audience. When there is not enough imagination, add the advantage of your affiliate product to the title. You can also use the numbers to engage the audience, and DIU comes in well. But if you understand that you have absolutely trouble with headlines, access your ideas with Headline Analyzer and choose the best one.

How Long Should the Publication Be?

Long-reads today are coming to the fore, although minimalism is still relevant. But in fact, the length dependence on what task it should perform and the warmth of your target audience. Let’s look at the main sizes of publications.

  • Up to 500 words is a short post. It is suitable for the sale of cheap goods or for a hot audience that already knows the product and has loyalty.
  • The average length of publications is from 500 to 1000 words. They are suitable for a warm target audience and for a product that is in the middle price category.
  • Publications larger than 1,500 words are long and ideal for when the audience is cold, and the product is not cheap.

If you are just starting your journey in promoting affiliate marketing, it will be best to start with longer publications, and then make a dimensional mix.

Making a Hot Introduction

If you plan to start text for a site with a beautiful history of creating a company or product, then stop! Just stop. This is a bad idea for your first publications. Avoid ambiguities, hints, allegories, comparisons, metaphors as well.

Let people immediately understand what you talking about and catch the essence. Not sure how to make a good introduction? Write an article and delete the first paragraph at the end. The result of this will only benefit.

Identify the Benefits of an Affiliate Product or Service

You must clearly understand what excites your potential audience. This will allow you to choose the appropriate arguments. Maybe you can divide your customers into several groups depending on their needs. Then write a separate post for each and do not put all the advantages in one place.

Think over the Structure of the Publication

You need to think about how your text will look. It is important to think over the number of paragraphs and how your text will be logically arranged. Remember that you should back your publication with a call to action. Write the structure of the text separately like a plan, so it will be easier for you to create your post.

Write the Text for the Consumer

The most important thing is to understand that you are not texting for your partner or product. You write the text in order to attract and encourage your audience to buy this product. Therefore, put yourself in the place of the reader and think about what would affect you.

Edit Your Post


Modern consumers no longer trust those who make mistakes or provide unreadable text. Therefore, it is important to make it a rule to make hard proofreading of the text. It is possible to do this both with the help of online services or simply ask a friend to read your text. If you made various mistakes, then the prying eye will immediately notice them. Well, or you can read your text by ear, this method is also no less effective.

Add  Photo Content

Well, now you just have to choose the relevant photos for your text. Remember that they should go in the same direction with the text, and not in disagreement. Well, how should the photo look like, you have already read above.

What Do You Need to Consider to Write an Affiliate Marketing Post?

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

In conclusion, to consolidate all the data, we will draw up an algorithm of actions to know at any time how to write a post correctly. Thus, it will be easier for you to understand and remember our guide.

  • You do not need to focus on the benefits of the product. It worked ten years ago but is not working now. You need to focus on customer benefits.
  • Provide the audience with not characteristics, but benefits and emotions. For example, not “cotton dress”, but “the lightest summer dress that fits perfectly on the figure”.
  • Do not use complex configurations and clericalism. Write all the text as simple as possible, as if you are talking with your friend.
  • Use the personalization effect. For example, not everyone can feel the same emotions as me, since this offer has a limited edition.
  • In the end, there must be a powerful offer – a call to action.
  • Work on its visual appearance. Break into paragraphs so that it does not look like a sheet. Try to make your text scannable and readable, add relevant photos and add some hashtags in the end so your post will be easy to find.
  • As a topic for publication, reviews, tips, and how-tos are well suited. You can write a review or DIY and ask a question “Do you want to get the same?”
  • In order for the publication to prompt the reader to perform the target action, take the place of the audience and ask yourself these questions:
    • What will change in life thanks to the product? What are the benefits?
    • Why do I like this product, why is it unique?
    • Why should I stop in this place in order to buy it \ go to the site?
    • Write a text in such a way, that your reader could easily find all the answers to the questions above.

The Final Thoughts

Now you have learned a lot about how it should look and how to create a post for affiliate marketing. In fact, everything is not so scary and complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Many people think that one text is not enough to increase sales. Of course, the product itself, price, and quality are important. But it is thanks to the text that you can put forward the advantages and hide the disadvantages. Proper positioning of the product is the key to success in affiliate marketing.

Write your texts correctly and use them to turn your audience into buyers! And this is exactly what you need to get the maximum income from affiliate marketing.

About the Author

Ben Grant is a content writer at LinksManagement company and an enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about marketing, social media, and current affairs.

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