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What Every Marketer Should Know About Mobile Media Marketing

WHY Mobile Media Marketing?

Before getting into the details of mobile media marketing, let’s just have a small introduction to it. Mobile Media Marketing is the branch of marketing which is used to appeal the mobile users. Mobile Media Marketing has much more potential than any other marketing because on doing it right, it can the take the message of the advertiser to the smartphones of the potential customers with personalized, according to time and location so the customer can get the solution of their needs from their smartphones.

Marketers are predicting that smartphones are the future of marketing. However, I believe that the future is here and the smartphones of this era are equipped with enough technology that marketers can use it in the different ways. That is why if you are a marketer and still searching about the mobile media marketing’s functionalities, benefits, and outcomes, then you are already trailing behind in your mobile media marketing strategy.

However, there is no need to worry about because your search is going to end after reading the next lines of this article. In the following lines, you are going to read a complete guide on mobile media marketing which includes the chapters like its working process, its essentiality, types and its best practices.

What is the working process of Mobile Media Marketing?

The ads that appears on the devices like smartphones, tablets or any other mobile devices are the part of mobile media marketing. One of the most interesting things about mobile media marketing is that there is no monotonous in its ads. The format, customization, and style of the ads change according to the different social media platforms, websites and mobile apps. That is why doesn’t matter how many times the customer see your ad, he or she will get a new look of your ad.

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Why is it important for every marketing plan?

The way you need a Wi-Fi access for your computer, the same way your business needs a mobile media marketing. There are many reasons why the mobile media marketing has become that much importance. Just look around your environment, and you will find very few faces not glued to the screens of their mobile phones. According to the Google, almost half of the online traffic generates by the mobile phone users which mean by keeping mobile marketing aside, you are ignoring nearly half of the internet users. Moreover, not like traditional marketing where you have only a few options to promote your brand, mobile media marketing allows you to register your business in your customer’s mind by using its numerous options of reaching the audience.

Following are some more statistics of the dominance of mobile media marketing in the digital marketing.

  • Apps and other game apps are the platforms on which 80% of mobile users spends most of their time.
  • Tablets are the responsible of 70% more web pages browsing than the smartphones.
  • Comparing smartphones and tablets, tablets has more retail conversion rate which is 3.56% than 1.55% of smartphones. However, traditional computers still are way ahead in its retail conversion rate which is 4.14%
  • Since 2012, mobile searches are increasing at nearly 200% per year.
  • Because of the continuous increase in the mobile searches, it is going to surpass the traditional PC retail conversion in 2020.

These are just a few statistics which are enough to make any sensible marketer awestruck. One thing is sure that smartphones are here to stay and there is no other device currently looking to challenge its technology.

mobile marketing

What are the different types of mobile media marketing?

Mobile media marketing is the most customized friendly branch of marketing. Interestingly, while having too many types of mobile media marketing, there is nothing to be confused because each of its types is for a different industry, target market, and budget.

Following are some of the mobile media marketing types:

  • App-Based Marketing: Because 80% of mobile phone users spend most of their time on the apps, that is why it becomes the most important platform to market your business. For this, there is no need for developing your mobile app. Google with its another service Google AdMob is an option which almost every mobile media marketer use to showcase their ad on different apps according to their target market and time. AdMob is only available on the Android and iOS platforms, and it only supports Unity and Cocos gaming engines. Moreover, Google AdMob provides a complete analytical data of your campaign just like the Google Analytics.

Apart from the Google, Facebook also allows you to publish your add-on its mobile app. Facebook has this ability to promote your ad so seamlessly that the user could not even feel that he or she is looking to any ad.

  • In-Game Mobile Marketing: Games like Clash of Clans or Clash of Royals need the internet connection to run. Since they remain connected to the internet, the also allows you to publish your ads in their game. These ads can appear as the banner usually positioned below and top of the screens, the full page still image ads or the video ads which usually appear between loading screens. Many games even offer the users some awards like game coins and lives by watching the video ads of other games or products.
  • QR codes: QR codes are not as common as the top two types of mobile marketing, but it is much interactive for the users and helps the businesses to get into the smartphones of their potential customers. Companies create their custom QR codes that attached to their websites. On scanning by the users, it directly takes the customers to the website of the company. These QR codes are usually aligned with the mobile Gamification and provide a mystery element to the users because while scanning; they don’t know where they are going to be in the next minutes. However, with a precise selection of target audience, you can get maximum potential customers on your website or any other page you want.
  • Location-based Marketing: If you are a small business owner and doesn’t have any digital presence, you can also use the means of digital marketing or mobile media marketing. For such businesses, Location-based marketing is the best exponent from which they can play with. Location based marketing allows you only to target those customers who either lives around your retail shop or passing by. You can show them your ad directly in their smartphones with the surety that all of them are your potential customers and are near your retail shop.
  • Mobile Search Ads: Google search ads are built for the mobile which often published on the internet as add-on extensions like click to call or maps.
  • SMS Marketing: SMS Marketing is one of the most initial marketing practices that involves the mobile phones. This involves capturing the user’s phone numbers and sending them text messages that include different offers and details about the businesses.

Best Practices:

Just like the types of mobile marketing, there are different ways too through which you can get the maximum outcomes from your campaign.

  • Short and Simple: you have to craft your ad according to the screen and platform on which you want to show your ad. That means you have to use your words sparingly. If your ad seems to be cluttered or crowded, the user will just scroll past it. That is why it is best to keep your ad short and simple for the mobile screens.
  • Optimize it for local keyword: using the local keywords in your targeting for mobile marketing will help you to get 1 in every three mobile searches. Users often use the mobile phone for the searches like where is the nearest gas station? The best eateries in town or a coffee shop with free wi-fi. Optimize your marketing and show your ad to those who are looking for you.
  • Think like your audience: You can hardly get 2 seconds of attention in the mobile media marketing. That is why it is important to show them what they want, not what you want them to see. For this, you have to think like your audience. Are they gamers, then try out the in-game app marketing and portray your product around a game. Are they young and social? Then use Facebook and other social media platform and educate them through your ad.
  • Keep Experimenting: because mobile media marketing is a relatively a new phenomenon of marketing among the traditional ones, there are still a lot of space for improvement which can only be achieved by continuous experimentation. Don’t be afraid of using any ad extensions to take the maximum outcomes from this marketing. The more you spend time on trying out the new things of digital marketing, the more experiences of making your ad campaign you will get.
  • Don’t start it as a result oriented marketer: marketer is not responsible for the sales however modern marketing and marketers can ensure the sales based on their different experiments and experiences. However, being a new mobile or digital marketer, you will need some time to understand the tactics through which you can commit sales to any business while taking their digital marketing responsibilities.

Author Bio:

After getting the Master degree from Stockholm University in Marketing, Alan Keeve is pursuing his career in making the ordinary businesses like Essay Writing Help into the famous brands by using all his expertise of marketing and digital marketing.

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