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Website Traffic Rankings

Websites today are subjected to a lot of competition, the whole world has assembled on the internet and websites are mushrooming by the millions! Small businesses are faced with the problem of getting their websites seen and attracting traffic to get their business going.

Search Engine Optimisation helps in directing traffic to your site to quite an extent however the main job is converting traffic into customers, and this can only be possible if your website is designed well and is easy to navigate. A good web design is as important as an SEO ranking, if you cannot hold customers through your website, well then internet marketing could just prove to be a disaster!

However for small businesses, spending on costly web designs is not exactly economical and definitely does not fit into their budget! Cheap Web Design by Total Creation London can help you create website designs you have only dreamt about, at prices you cannot dream about! Cheap web designs are just low on their prices and do not compromise on quality in any way. Besides creating a cheap web design they also get you ranked at the top search engines like google, bing and yahoo. The more the links to a website, higher is the ranking as the traffic increases when the number of links increase.

Small businesses can benefit also from google places, that create local searches that are based on locations or from internet directories that list your website under a particular category and provide a link for customers to click on. Every website should aim at creating the maximum links to ensure traffic from as many sources as possible.

Cheap web designs fit into your budget and also help you increase it by making your website completely user friendly, which has an important role in converting traffic to potential customers!

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