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How to Create a Profitable Blog 

Even though blogging has become very popular and the competition for readers is tough, it doesn’t mean that you can’t create a space on the internet where you can run a successful and profitable blog. Whether you are new to blogging or simply need some good tips on how to create a profitable blog in the 2020s, keep reading below. 

Blogging has grown immensely as a medium over the past decade. It is not only moms who have recipes to share or beauty bloggers that have products to talk about. In the digital world, you can find bloggers who write about all kinds of different subjects, which means that the blogging sphere is quite saturated. Here you’ll find some tips on how to get started with a profitable blog.  

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Delicious recipes, health, and lifestyle, software, and tech – the possibilities on what to focus a blog on are endless. The great thing about having a blog is that you are the sole master of what is uploaded and how often it is uploaded on the website. However, while you as the owner of your blog are in complete control of the content, you are not necessarily in control of how many readers come across your website.  

 The readers you do have that follow your blog, however, might be susceptible to click on a link if you were to recommend a product. This is where there is huge potential for monetary success through affiliate marketing, which is where you talk about and link to a product or service and in turn get a certain percentage of the income the company makes from your links.


Set yourself apart with branding 

Branding and marketing are important facets of any successful business. So, instead of thinking of your blog as just a place where you get to write your thoughts and ideas, think of it as a small business trying to attract customers – or in this case, readers. Central to any business, is the name of the company, which will be present on the website, potential social media, and any other digital or physical platform.  

This is why it is important to spend some time focusing on what to name your blog. While it can be a stressful task to brainstorm different names and come up with something unique, creative, and reflective of the contents of your blog, luckily, there are online platforms like that make it both easy and fun to generate  that makes it both easy and fun to generate creative and memorable names.  memorable names.  

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Blogging is writing

A blog is a very particular type of medium that is focused on writing. So, before you even consider starting your blog you want to make sure you enjoy writing as this is made up a substantial part of running a blog. Because the job of a blogger mainly consists of writing, you want to make sure that you also continuously improve the craft of writing and discover new ways to attract and maintain readers. 

A good way to hold on to your current readers is to have an email list, where you send out newsletters with updates on new articles and interesting content, and it is important to keep consistent with creating blog content to avoid losing readers. Consistency is key: even though you might experience writer’s block, you must find ways to continue working on the blog. Fortunately, whenever you need inspiration or advice from top bloggers, there is plenty to find online. 

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