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How to Choose Your Digital Marketing Company?

In the digital age, businesses no longer question the need to launch a web marketing campaign. SEO, viral marketing, social media marketing. Everything is good for better visibility.

And unless you have an experienced marketing team, you have to use a digital marketing company for your company growth. Whether it is to attract new customers or increase the number of sales, we need their expertise to achieve our objectives.

Digital Marketing Strategy

The question then arises: how to find a reliable and competent web marketing company? The answers right away.

Beware of overly attractive prices!

A digital marketing company worthy of the name cannot offer you discounted rates. It is a simple question of logic: the expertise of the staff, their many years of experience and the time allocated to the realization of a marketing project, all this necessarily has a cost.

In other words, you’re going to have to break the piggy bank. Okay, your budget is tight, but if you take the time to think about it, you will admit that it is better to make a qualitative choice rather than to venture to use the services of a company that does not control the strings of career.

Therefore, when you are looking for a digital marketing company, already cross out the companies that offer too low prices. Our advice: contact a reputable company like Li Creative Technology.

Choose an experienced company with an excellent reputation

Analyze his website

To find out if a digital marketing company is credible, you just have to go to its website and judge for yourself: could you entrust your marketing project to a company that doesn’t even bother to promote itself? You can also go through intermediary platforms (like Sortlist ) to help you make a quick observation.

Take a look at the old achievements

A company endowed with professionalism is supposed to present its achievements on its website. If not, ask her to show you examples of projects she has already done with the results obtained.

View customer testimonials

Another way to verify the credibility of a company is to verify the testimonies of former clients. Or better, ask for references. You will verify in passing their profile (if the company is used to working with companies the same size as yours, it will better understand your expectations).

Word of mouth

We tell you nothing by telling you that a good number of entrepreneurs use word of mouth to find a reliable provider. So if you have acquaintances who have already run a successful web marketing campaign, do not hesitate to ask them for information.

The last point, if a digital marketing company has received one or more awards, you can trust it.

Note: a digital marketing company can be quite effective without meeting the criteria mentioned above, however it is wiser to reconsider your decision when there are several shadows on the table.

Ask about the services provided …

When it comes to web marketing, there is no “Passepartout” solution. Some companies will want to focus their marketing strategy on SEO while others will prefer email or newsletter. So before hiring a digital marketing company, make sure you know the types of services it offers.

On the other hand, it can be interesting to hire a digital company that offers several services, for example, online marketing and website creation services. Thus, you will not have to seek different providers. This will save you time and money.

And online marketing strategies

Once you know what types of services a digital marketing company is providing, it’s in your best interest to find out what online marketing strategies and methods it uses.

Indeed, some agencies use dubious techniques and this can affect the image of your business. This is why you should demand a clear and detailed explanation when a company describes its online working techniques.

A few words to finish

By recruiting the best digital marketing company, you are putting the odds in your favor. Conversely, choosing the wrong provider can cost you dearly and affect your business in several ways.

By following our advice, you will avoid making mistakes and will certainly hire professional and experienced marketers who will help you reach your goals.

Finally, know that a digital marketing company does not work for you, but with you. And even if the latter invites you to collaborate (it will certainly do so), you must keep in mind that it is she who leads the dance.

Digital Marketing Strategies

8 benefits of Digital Marketing

In your daily life, you have certainly noticed how the internet has transformed your life. Just to stay in a few examples, you always turn to Google to resolve any doubts and do not leave social networks to know the latest news from your friends.

If the internet has transformed people’s daily lives, what about companies? To keep up with changing habits, they needed to adopt new tools, channels, and formats. Therefore, more and more businesses are enjoying the benefits of Digital Marketing.

Small and medium-sized companies, in particular, realize even more the advantages of digital strategies, which allow them to compete on an equal footing with large ones.

Now let’s see, then, the 8main benefits of Digital Marketing, especially for small businesses:

Digital Marketing Company

1. Have an online presence to be found

Currently, when having contact with a brand, many consumers already ask directly for their website or social networks. They like to know the brand identity, know more information and feel confident before making a purchase.

Therefore, you need to have a consistent online presence, on different channels, so that the consumer can find your company on the internet.

After all, consumers are always on the web to inform and interact. If you are not there too, to make their presence felt, other competing companies will take your place.

2. Generate engagement with the persona

The internet allows, in addition to attracting a customer and increasing sales opportunities, companies can create lasting relationships with the customer.

The big difference that digital communication has brought is that it is not a one-way street: brands can offer relevant content, far beyond purely commercial advertising, and consumers can respond and interact with companies.

With this interactivity, the bonds that are created between brands and consumers are much stronger. And, in a scenario in which competition is increasingly fierce, winning the persona’s engagement is essential to remain in your memory.

ecommerce on social media

3. Follow the purchase journey

Before, consumers’ buying journey was relatively simple. First, he saw an advertisement on TV or in the newspaper, went to a physical store and made the decision inside, where he also made the payment.

Today, however, that journey is much less linear and predictable – and much more digital.

The consumer can research prices on the computer, compare alternatives by cell phone, go to the mall and try the products, return home and buy on e-commerce. But you can also do everything differently to buy the same product.

Thankfully, Digital Marketing allows you to follow this entire buying journey. Through all the channels that consumers go through – website, Facebook, blog, online store, etc. -, brands can be present with interesting content and offers.

Thus, it is easier to help the customer resolve all their doubts and objections and influence their purchase decision.


4. Earn customer loyalty

Even after finalizing a sale, companies need to keep in touch with the customer to encourage a buyback or a brand recommendation to others – the famous word of mouth, which has now gone online and can reach many more people.

These marketing strategies, which are part of customer loyalty, tend to be much more worthwhile than the acquisition process, which can be laborious and costly.

On the internet, then, you have several tools and channels to not lose contact with the customer. Blog content, for example, can nurture the relationship with the company and spark interest in a new purchase. Another example: personalized email offers may suggest products complementary to the customer’s last purchase.

The important thing is to know each person’s profile and interests well to make the right offers, as they need to feel noticed and valued by your company to buy again. Therefore, it is also good to offer advantages to those who are already customers.

5. Gain brand authority

Brands that actively act in the digital environment, such as through a corporate blog, website, and social media, according to Content Marketing strategies, have great chances of becoming an authority brand.

Through its contents, it solves doubts, clarifies important concepts and shows that it dominates the subjects of its market. But what does the company gain from this?

In this way, it becomes a reference for customers, who start to trust the company more, in addition to opinion leaders, communication vehicles, even competitors, who also begin to quote it in their content.

One of the evidence that the brand has gained authority is its positioning in Google’s search results. Being in the top positions means that you are a reference for the market!

This attracts more stakeholders to your company and arouses confidence in what you produce. After all, it is natural to trust more those who understand the subject, right?


6. Compete with larger companies

Often a small company is afraid to start a Digital Marketing strategy because it believes it will be at a disadvantage compared to large competitors.

However, this difference is much more striking in offline marketing, which generally requires more robust investments. Advertising on TV, in the newspaper or on the radio is not feasible for most small and medium-sized companies, which ends up highlighting only those who have more money. The online environment offers better conditions to match this difference.

You can already have excellent results even without investing in media. With consistent publications on a corporate blog and social networks, for example, it is already possible to attract interested parties and engage the audience.

And if a small business wants to invest in paid media, it can start with a small budget and also have great results.

The important thing is that the strategies are focused on the right audience and that the techniques are executed professionally – with efficiency and quality -, even if the resources are limited.

affiliate marketing audience

7. Segment the audience

Unlike traditional media, on the internet, it is possible to speak to a very specific audience that is interested in a product or service.

And, although the potential for reaching the internet is enormous (and this is also one of the benefits of Digital Marketing), its great differential is the segmentation power of the public.

Segmentation is possible from the visitor’s first contact with the brand, through an ad on social networks, for example. This makes the entire shopping experience more satisfying and generates a positive feeling in the user, who will only receive content directed to their profile, interests, and behaviors.

Segmentation can also be used to offer content and offers according to the stages of the purchase journey. Thus, email marketing is only sent when the company identifies that the user is already at the desired stage (more mature for purchase, for example).

But how does the internet allow this? Simple: it is the user himself who provides information about himself, either on his own (when filling out a form, for example), or through his browser’s cookies (which track his steps on the web).

Thus, companies can analyze this data about consumers and develop strategies for each type of audience.

8. Customize offers

More interesting than segmenting ad audiences and email marketing contacts is to personalize communication. After all, even within a public segment, each individual has a different profile and lives different moments of life.

Therefore, personalization appears strongly in current marketing, especially because Digital Marketing allows you to create unique content and offers for each person.

How does the internet do this? In the same way, as we explained before: it is possible to know different information about each user, from their interests to their browsing history, which underlies the personalization strategies.

About the Author

Sumiya Sha is the author of the Li Creative Technologies. She tried out lots of Dgitial Marketing strategies and she has given the review for most of the best Digital Marketing techniques that she tried out. She encourages her readers to share their ideas and information too about that.

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