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Brand Building and Marketing – Using Digital Signage to Your Advantage

Brand Building and Marketing

Gone are the days when just the trademark of your business was good enough to make your business recognizable to customers. Today, there are so many things that you must do to uphold the business and its brand in front of clients. You must take well thought out measures to present your business in a smart package that becomes its brand which customers recognize quickly. However, creating brands and making it recognizable is only the first step in branding.

The real hard work lies in creating brand equity that involves extensive work in building a trustworthy brand. To build brand equity, you must take the honest approach of satisfying customers so that they get full value for money from it.  It entails full publicity of the brand through extensive public relations network that needs adequate technological support.

Creating brand equity

The first step in brand building is to get as close as possible to customers with the brand by creating channels of communication.  Customers get the opportunity of staying engaged with the brand, and the onus is on you to make the best use of the opportunity to increase customer engagement.

digital branding signage

As customers get a better opportunity to know more about the brand and your business, they start relying more on it and in the process; the brand starts gaining value, which is what brand equity is all about.  Unless you create the most effective channel of interactive communication with customers, you will never be able to position your brand correctly. Hence, you must use the aptest communication technology to achieve the right returns in building brand equity.

Use digital signage

Which type of communication technique will be good for your business depends on the nature of your business. For retailers and restaurateurs, use of electronic signs displayed on digital signage is a great way of creating better customer engagement thereby providing a much-improved user experience that enhances satisfaction.

Using digital signage is the most modern approach in marketing communication that gives a high return on investment. It increases customer loyalty, and there is marked improvement in the level of commitment to the brand. The most important aspect about digital signage is that besides creating wider reach, it has the powers of influencing customers that provide a cutting edge in marketing. Businesses find the platform of digital signage most effective in conveying messages in the most convincing manner that have the capability of evoking positive response among customers.


Real time communication

Digital signages are not little notice boards but provide a live and vibrant platform of communication that is capable of streaming real-time messages and information.  Businesses can use it for branding and marketing as well for communicating with employees. The stakeholders of companies together with customers remain updated with business information that helps business thrive. It is perhaps the most efficient way of sharing information so that the right information, reaches the right audience at the right time that makes it the most efficient platform for ensuring customer satisfaction and engagement.

Impacts buying decisions

The dynamic nature of digital signage coupled with its ability to get interactive with their clients allows businesses to display a huge variety of content attuned with times.  The instant nature of communication has the power of grabbing attention, and it often influences the buying decisions of customers. This is the reason that digital signage has a unique appeal to retailers who can use the signage to tap the impulsive nature of buyers to make business happen instantly.

Tailor made communication

Unlike advertisements that target the general audience, digital signage communication targets a particular section of the public. The communication has a flashy attractive style that grabs the attention of the public and encourages them to take a favorable action. Most of the communications are tailor made since it aims at a particular section of customers and not for all. The dynamic nature of the communication that can make use of images, videos and texts make it highly attractive and appealing for marketers.


Improved relationships

By offering a better experience to buyers, retailers can turn them more loyal, which is an indication of improved relations. Displaying special offers, discounts, and rewards for buyers on digital signage is the most traditional method of building better relations with customers who feel that you are taking care of them.

It leads to more sales

It is a proven fact that the use of digital signage can increase sales. The investment that you make in it is more than recovered through added sales.  The signage allows you to display instantly updated messages, which is an excellent way to stoke the sentiments and emotion of impulsive buyers so that they commit to purchase the product. Instead of waiting for customers to take the decision, you can use the communication system to entice them so that they feel like going for the product immediately.

Creating content for digital signage


There must be a steady stream of content for digital signage, and you must be prepared with the right resources for it. The best way of doing it is to source the content from the repository of content that you maintain in the cloud.  By having a few standard frameworks for different displays, you can upload videos, text, and images as and when you feel like. It gives the opportunity of presenting new content in a flash.  When you have access to content in the cloud, it becomes easy to monitor and coordinate content across some signages located at different places. It is most important because you want to display different content simultaneously across various signages.

Although the upfront cost of digital signage is more, you stand to gain in the long run. There is no recurring cost involved in creating designs for fresh content. Doing it manually requires a longer time for content creation but by using the cloud facility both content creation and refreshment is quick and efficient.  To draw the attention of customers today, you must avail the technological advantage in communication offered by the eye-catching digital signage that makes customers respond favorably and faster.

Author Bio:

Walter Moore is a digital marketing consultant. He is attracted to the powers of electronic signs that have taken the marketing world by storm. A sky gazer, he is also drawn to astronomy.

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