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The number of Backlinks that your website has will determine its Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking. There must be an upward review in backlinks before SEO can get a better ranking. 

This explains why most sites will do all it takes to get enough backlinks to their sites. Meanwhile, it is also not about gathering backlinks, the quality of backlinks is also a determinant factor. At this point, the process will separate the experts will from the pseudo.

SEO Tips - Backlinks

Many site owners have poorly been frustrated at this point that they gave up. However, if you are passionate about building quality backlinks, you should understand the principle of time.  We will highlight some of the smartest ways to get quality backlinks in 2021.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to get backlinks. There are numerous blogs and sites that allow writers to create content as a guest writer. You would find sites where write for us or submit a post is inscribed.

This requires that you write content for other sites. In most cases, these contents are usually not paid for. What you get in return is a link back to your site. Most sites allow you to link the article to your site as referral. They either include your link in the bio or in the content of the article.

Guest Posting for Backlinks

This method is one of the smartest ways to earn quality backlinks. Although you are not getting a penny for the content you contributed, you are getting links back to your site. It is always a win-win situation for both parties. While you write free content for a site, you also get a chunk of links back to your site.

Public Relations

Have you ever wondered why Public Relations sites often rank top in the top in search engines? This is because they generated more quality backlinks through their press releases. The Public Relations copy could be any information about your brand or organisation. Public Relations company have wide coverage of audiences. They broadcast the favorable message of your brand to large heterogenous audiences through diverse means. However, the most appropriate means that would fetch you backlinks is through the new media which has to do with sites.

The coverage of the Public Relations site include links to your site in the body of the content and more information about your brand. Reasonably, people attach more importance and objectivity to any contents that is aired on Public Relations sites. This will greatly increase the backlinks of your site with enormous clicks from the Public Relations site.

In recent times, it requires the service of a publicist. But now it will only need a sign up for a reporter. All you need is to be cited as the source of information. This generates an organic link back to your websites.

Fat Joe Review explicitly explained the essence of writing quality content. The best way you can be cited is by creating top-notch content.

Skyscraper Content

This could mean refurbishing some of the best content that has been published on your site. Once you discover that the post is doing great, you can skyscraper it.

skyscraper content marketing

One of the best tools skyscraping is making use of Ahrefs’ file explorer. This will help you identify contents on your site that are doing great. This explains the importance of having quality contents on your site. When you have top notch contents on your site, you can always refurbish them. The silver lining is that good content don’t get old. Regardless of when it was published, a run-up story can still be done on it and have it look like new one.

Ensure that you invest more time into building quality content. If it will require that you employ the service of a prolific content writer or you invest more into AI content creator. Which ever way you wish to use, just make sure the content on your site are premium quality. This will facilitate the process of skyscraper content when you need them to build more backlinks to your site.

Get Links From Outdated Resources

Another smart way to get quality backlinks is by gathering them from outdated resources. What does this mean? When you discover an old site that is no longer in function. The site owners might have changed the name, or the URL was reviewed, shutdown or they stopped offering that service; you can tap from it.

Find all the links pointing to the page that has changed, scrapped, out of Service, or shutdown. Take the URL and paste it into your backlink checking tool. Get in touch with all the people that are still connected to the old link. Inform them that the link is no more in use. Also, humbly suggest your link be added to their site.

Do Product Review/Affiliate Marketing

If you are a regular window shopper you may have noticed that Amazon have more backlinks than any sites. This can not be disjointed from the fact that Amazon allows affiliate marketing and most of the affiliate marketers do product reviews for Amazon products. There is a cut they earn from Amazon for every product that is sold. However, this simple exercise has greatly increased the online presence of Amazon among other e-commerce sites.

Affiliate Marketing How much Money

It is hard to find a product review on the internet that doesn’t link to Amazon site. This has turned the site to a moon among stars in the world of e-commerce. You can also dive into product reviews.

Use More Visuals

Beside creating quality contents, visuals also play a major role in stimulating the interest of readers online. When a good content is accompanied with nice visuals, the results are overwhelming. The visuals could be in form of infographics which enlightens the reader about the content topic. Good graphics designers ensure that the infographics is catchy enough to arrest and sustain the attention of the readers.

Meanwhile, while you get credence for quality content with superlative visuals, other content creators may find interest in your design and decide to use it. They give backlinks to your site as the original creator of the design.

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