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Why Strong Link Building is Your Ticket to Long-Term Residual Income

Generating residual income from your website requires a continuous stream of organic, targeted traffic. Without targeted traffic, you won’t get conversions. The top strategy for generating targeted traffic is a strong link building campaign.

Strategy and Development

Link building generates targeted traffic in two ways. Anytime you publish a piece of content with a link back to your site, you’ll generate traffic when readers click your link. As your link building campaign gains momentum, your webpages will rank higher in the search engines. As your webpages gain more visibility in the search engines, you’ll generate organic traffic from search results.

You know link building is an essential component in your revenue generating strategy, but how does it work?

Link building creates a foundation for long-term targeted traffic

Link building is achieved primarily through content marketing. Content marketing creates sources of long-term targeted traffic. For instance, content distributed across the internet will usually remain published for years to come. While there’s no guarantee that a publisher won’t remove a piece of content, targeting reliable publishers reduces that risk.

Affiliate Marketing SEO

When you publish content on your own website, you have the opportunity to create content that everyone in your industry will link as an authoritative reference. When your content is that good, you’ll effortlessly generate links.

Publishing content on websites with a large readership also increases the potential for generating traffic. However, that only works when users want to click on your links. Many readers won’t click on any links in the articles they read, which is why it’s critical to also focus on link building through content marketing for SEO purposes.

Link building increases search engine visibility

Generating high-quality, authoritative backlinks is part of every good SEO strategy. When done correctly, the webpages you’ve linked across the internet will start to rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs) over time. 

Although search engine algorithms are constantly changing, the value of high-quality backlinks will never diminish. No matter how many updates Google publishes, backlinks will always significantly contribute a website’s ranking.

on-page SEO

Once your web pages have made it to the first page of results for various searches, you’ll start getting the organic traffic necessary to generate revenue from sales and/or advertisements.

Strong link building holds your marketing strategy together

Link building is the glue that holds your marketing campaign together. For example, you could have the best sales copy in the world written by an A-lister like Dan Kennedy, yet without a strong link building campaign, you won’t get the traffic needed for conversions. Likewise, you could have a $100,000 custom website built by the best development team in the world, but you still need a link building campaign to get visitors.

Essentially, every part of your marketing campaign relies on traffic to work. You can’t get sales, conversions, email list signups, video plays, or downloads without traffic. The success of every single aspect of your marketing campaign is directly tied to the success of your link building campaign.

Tips for strengthening your link building efforts

If you’re not generating the amount of targeted traffic you need to turn your website into a source of residual income, these tips will help.

SEO Content Tools

1. Write high-quality, well-researched content

High-quality content is likely to stick around for a while. Well-researched content is likely to get more clicks from people who are genuinely interested in the subject matter.

2. Vary your anchor text

Your anchor text can include your keywords, but make sure it’s part of a sentence. For example, instead of using the anchor text: “discount shoes” use something like: “explore discount shoes from [website].” 

Having too many exact match anchor text phrases will hurt your SEO efforts. Vary your anchor text by using natural phrases between three and seven words long. Also, use action words whenever possible, especially when you want someone to click on the link. For example: “click for our selection of discount shoes” would be great anchor text.

3. Don’t just target high DA domains for backlinks

Search engines rank sites higher when they have a natural backlink profile. Getting backlinks on domains with high Domain Authority (DA) is important, but you also need links on lower DA sites to make your backlink profile look natural.

Traffic is the secret to generating residual income from your website

The amount of income you generate from your website is directly proportional to the amount of targeted traffic you get. Provided your pages are optimized for conversion, your sales should rise as your targeted traffic rises. 

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