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3 Overlooked Content Marketing Strategies that Get Results

You’re probably familiar with the basics of content marketing: produce content, get it published, and get results. With this strategy, all you need is a steady stream of great content published on the right websites and you’ll eventually generate targeted traffic and see results in the search engines.

While the basics of content marketing are important, there are several nuanced strategies that will help you generate optimal results. 

In this article, you’ll learn more about those strategies.


1. Create a tight production system

Content marketing campaigns are more efficient when they’re backed by a strong system that drives each component. Systems ensure tasks are completed in a consistent manner, which helps people develop a flow.

With content marketing, you’ll benefit by having a system for the following:

·  Creating and editing content. Having a system for content creation will serve you best when you have more than one content writer. Create a template for content formatting, including typography. Also, create a system for writers to submit their work. For example, use a task management system or Google Drive.

·  Assigning tasks. Whether you hire people for one-time projects or ongoing work, a system for assigning tasks with due dates will give your writers the structure needed to produce good work. When you don’t assign tasks with a deadline, you may never get the completed work.

·  Delivering and receiving files. Most people email files back and forth or use collaboration tools like Google Docs. These methods are convenient, but can be a security risk. For instance, what happens if a client deletes the content in a Google document or alters a PDF contract before returning their signed copy?

It’s best to have a file sharing system that controls file access as part of your information security management plan. Box is a great choice for maintaining file confidentiality and integrity. For instance, you can send clients access links that expire and prevent downloads. You can even have a client sign a PDF contract right inside of Box, making it impossible to alter the content.

·  Delivering content to clients. To avoid back-and-forth with clients who can’t find files, create a system that delivers files with some kind of secure repository your clients can access where they have their own folder(s). Don’t rely on emailing files or emailing links alone.

Systems create a consistent way of producing content from start to finish, and that consistency is what makes a content marketing campaign run like a well-oiled machine.

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2. Spend time creating relationships with publishers

Some business owners ignore hard-to-get publishers and only pursue publishers that will provide an immediate result. Even if they have to wait a few weeks for an article to get published, at least it enters the queue immediately.

One of the best content marketing strategies is to spend time building relationships with high-end publishers. It’s always worth the time and effort because there is no substitution for getting content published on a high-ranking popular website.

To build relationships with high-end publishers, you need to reach out to the editing team from a place of “how can I serve your publication?” Avoid approaching them with requests that they review and publish your work.

Expressing your desire to provide value to the publisher’s audience will give you a better chance at getting a connection for future publications. This is especially important when you’re using content marketing for affiliate sales.

Target Audience

3. Write content for the publication’s audience first

Make it your main priority to provide value to the publisher’s audience. Then, include the content you wish to promote or highlight. If your content is overly promotional, it will probably get rejected. However, some promotional content is approved and then later removed.

Getting content rejected isn’t a big deal because you haven’t lost anything substantial. However, the real problem is knowing your content might disappear in the future.

A publisher might allow overly promotional content now, but might change their mind in a year or two. Or, they might sell their website and the new owner may delete promotional content in a giant purge. Another possibility is a difference of opinion between editors. One editor might approve your content, while another might review it later on and decide it’s not a fit.

If you spend time and money on content marketing that ends up getting deleted, you’ll lose more than just your content; you’ll lose traffic and SEO ranking.

Content marketing is a dance

Content marketing, although simple on the outside, is a complex dance that involves talent, strategy, and management. There are countless nuances to content marketing, especially in specific niches and industries. 

However, the strategies outlined in this article will help you get results in any industry.

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