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13 Business Trends for Your Small Business in 2017

Staying on top of the market trends is often the best way to understand your market and to improve your chances of growth. New opportunities are available and there are newer cost cutting strategies which increase the productivity of your business. To be profitable and relevant in and after 2017, you must be aware of trends.

The best trends to adopt for your business include:

  1. More mobile-centric businesses

Isn’t everyone on their phones nowadays? And if you are the entrepreneur you want the world to believe, then you will need to push your business to the big market on their smartphones. The mobile-centric technology involves using a responsive website platform that is adaptable and friendly to access on mobile.


Besides the design, you also need to employ other mobile-centric technologies such as mobile apps, mobile only apps, and mobile payment services. You may assume that everyone is chatting, but some businesses which adopted the mobile-centric approach earlier on have clients who are transacting via their smartphone devices.

  1. Data-guided decision making

Do you gather all the market data before, during, and after a marketing campaign? Do you use industry stats to make decisions for your company? What are you waiting for? The details are in the numbers. If you wish to grow your business and make the best out of every possible opportunity, take a look at the numbers and use them.

If you don’t have high-end data gathering and analysis tools, invest in a few. With the insights from the data and the knowledge you have about the market, you should be in a better position to make informed decisions.

  1. Email marketing

The newsletter or email notification that lets clients sign up is your door to a wider market. And don’t be misled by people calling email marketing an old trick. The truth is, old is gold. Email marketing keeps proving that it is an effective marketing channel leading to a high ROI. So why should you listen to the naysayers?

Email marketing keeps proving that it is an effective marketing channel leading to a high ROI.Click To Tweet

  1. Email collaborative tools

To increase the effectiveness of email communication in your organization, get new collaborative tools for email. Internal and external communications often run via emails and you don’t want to miss out on a big opportunity because of email issues. Tools like Slack will help you in reaching out to your emails faster on your desktop.

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  1. Crowdfunding

While crowdfunding is associated with fictional characters and deemed impractical, this will be a business funding option on the rise this year. Raising funds for business is tough and expensive. Crowdfunding solves this problem. With the high number of businesses looking at debt settlement reviews, you will be in a better position if you avoiding loans or accumulating more debt by taking on crowdfunding.

  1. Cyber security and data security

Data is crucial in business but the security of the same data is always at risk. Phishers, hackers, etc. are on the lookout for the perfect chance to pounce at any vulnerability in your system. Take ardent risk management strategies and protect your business. If your thriving business adopts one trend this year, let it be data protection. Data loss and leaks lead to massive losses and business closures.

  1. Complete integration of content marketing into sales

The online market is flooded and for you to convince a potential client to purchase your products or services, you must win their hearts. One of the most successful strategies to winning clients is by providing high-quality and interesting content. Something tangible that will give that potential client a reason to buy from you.

content marketing

The reason for this is that customers research, so much more than you would have thought possible. As they look for challenges, risks, and implementation strategies – basically the why – your content should be able to convince them. Create factual information in your site articles and blog posts. Videos should be full of helpful content as well.

  1. Adoption of video marketing as a crucial marketing tool

The reach of a video – a high-quality, thoughtful, informative, and edutaining video – is higher than the reach of any other form of content such as articles. There is a bigger number of watchers and the conversion rates are also shown to be higher. Video marketing ranks higher than interactive articles and blogs. So, if you have been sidelining your marketing team’s suggestion to employ interactive videos, change that, and create the best videos to raise awareness about your products and services.

  1. Higher consumer engagement

Big brands are already doing this. The key to keeping clients and to getting more recommendations for your products and services lies in your ability to build a good business relationship with all your clients. Treat them the same way you would a close friend and find a way of solving wrangles in a professional manner. To win in 2017, create intimacy in the digital environment.

Keep in mind that, besides communication, the key to better customer engagement is the use of high-quality content, enhancing communication by responding to complaints and commenting on your clients’ feedback. Thanking your shoppers personally is also effective in keeping your business moving and in good standing with your customers.

  1. Blogging expertise

For your business to record higher profits this year, work on your blogs. Yes, you already have a blog that is updated weekly. But, is the blog having as much impact as it should? Are you sharing high-quality and informative content?


Perhaps you should also consider using authority links, avoiding spammy links, and using backlinks. Get moving with these simple but effective strategies.

  1. Disappearance of brick and mortar institutions lacking expertise

Are you a brick and mortar company? Do you have the expertise needed to get your business to the next level? If you lack expertise or haven’t curated your business to fit a niche, here is a warning; do so fast to rescue your business. Many stores are closing shop. Don’t be one of them.

  1. Bigger embrace to freelancers

The demand for freelancers has been on the rise in the past few years. However, 2017 will see even more freelancers because of the need to cut down costs in terms of fixed employment packages and office space.

  1. What will President Trump do for small businesses?

As you take in the trends, it is also important to remember that there is a new president in office. Perhaps there will be lower regulatory burdens, a pro-business attitude, and tax cuts.


These changes will have a significant impact on your business and to be safe, adopt them when you can.  Also note that there is going to be a rise in business coaches, a recurrence of revenue, and grooming of millennials for leadership!

Author Bio

Isabella RossellineeIsabella Rossellini is a business analyst. Besides trends and business forecasts, she also offers advice on debt management and settlement. Visit her website for more on debt settlement reviews.

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