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10 Powerful Tips to Create Social Media Content Your Viewers will Love

Social media is overwhelming and the extent of various genres of content existing in different platforms is really huge. With thousands and thousands of new posts coming up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. every single day, it’s pretty tough for anyone to make his/her content stand out. Although social media marketing is all about that, the professionals often have to face so much of hassle to curate such engaging social media posts which can leave a remarkable impact on readers.

Are you one among them?

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Don’t panic! You just need to act strategically and thus, you will end up creating exceptional content which people just can’t wait to share. It will further help you maximize the social media ROI for your posts and you will end up with an outstanding image in the massive sea of content being churned out every day.

First of all, it is crucial to understand what are such elements in terms of social media marketing which can make your content worth sharing. In such an instance, you must have a better understanding of who your audience is. The more you will know about them, the more it would be possible for you to create engaging social media posts. In fact, it is one of the best social media content strategies that you can ever come across.

Social Media Content TIPS


However, there are various effective social media content strategies which can let your posts go simply viral.

  1. Keep it concise and clear

One of the best content marketing tips is to curate crisp and short contents. The same is true for social media marketing too. Nowadays, everyone is very busy and their attention span is becoming even shorter with each passing day. Hence, if you create such social media posts which are sharp, short, smart, and snappy then they will get more attention. You must write engaging posts which don’t lag behind in catching the attention of your audience.

Content Conversions - Clarity

However, you might sometime need to share a longer piece of data. In that case, you can create links in your posts. Thus, the audience who will want a detailed information can open the links and those who think it’s not necessary, they can read the shorter form of the posts.

  1. Target your fans instead of followers

You might enjoy the random likes in your social media posts. However, they can’t help you in the long term. You must have a solid foundation to make sure that your content remains evergreen on social media platforms.

Hence, you need to prioritize smaller and specific communities. Make it a habit to speak to such people who actually think that your objective of social media marketing (selling products or services, promoting your blog) is worthy. The more you will communicate with them, the better it is for you.


These are the people who will generously engage with your content by liking, commenting, sharing etc. Finally, they will end up vetting your brand as they will connect you to their followers.

  1. Go for conversations, not questions

If you accommodate questions smartly in your content then it can inspire comments on a constant basis. Everyone wants to share their opinions. Thus, it can be a smart trick. However, if you want to boost up your following, you should never ask any pointless question. It might otherwise degrade your brand’s voice altogether.

Social Media Content - Social Conversations

There might be some business or personal choices in your life. You can ask your fans for their opinions on them through some relevant questions being hidden in your content. Just build a sense of community around your social media pages and your followers will be encouraged to converse with your content. In the end, the success of every content that you post on social media will be doubled up.

  1. Theme up your accounts

It is one of the smartest tricks to theme your social media accounts to boost up your online presence. Especially, when it’s Instagram, this trick seems to be worth enough. Theming involves sticking to a distinct colour palette or approach which can highly entice people towards your account.

Thus, your content will be read more. The themed accounts are visually so much appealing that it can set the mood of your followers and upgrade your brand’s experience.

  1. Make use of social tagging

Social tagging is one of the most significant ways to increase the reach of your social posts, The more your posts will be popular, the more people will love them. So, whenever you are mentioning the name of any known personality in your post, don’t forget to tag him/her.

Social Tagging

The social tagging ( or @mentions) will notify that person and it will let your followers figure out them on social media platforms. Finally, people will be more interested to explore your content on social media.

  1. Don’t forget the videos

When it comes to social media posts then videos are always incredibly powerful. If you want people to fall in love with your content, videos seem to be the must. Moreover, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are also having ‘live’ options. You can create videos there very easily and share what’s happening with the world.

Make videos an integral part of your social media accounts and you will definitely see the results within a very short period of time. Videos are one of the best trends to make your posts noticeable on social media platforms. Just make sure that whatever content you are showcasing through the videos is worth enough. Just sharing anything won’t let you attract people.

Moreover, the Buffer Social states that 80% of consumer internet traffic will come from videos by 2020. So, you must start from now on to ensure that your posts get a huge attention and people find them just perfect for their use.

  1. Opt for Network Tools or Mix Up Content

If you want to add an extra oomph to your social media accounts then make use of network tools. Just ensure that you are using a variety of posting techniques and types of content. For example, incorporate mixing up videos, images, plain text posts etc. in the right proportion to your content schedule. It will be a perfect package to make people fall in love with your social media contents.

Social Media Mix-up

Before that, you must research about how each network works and make sure that you know about the effective features like Twitter polls, Twitter lists, live videos, Instagram stories, multiple image posts and so on. Also, keep in mind to get a basic idea of other tools which might be available at your disposal for any particular social media platform. The more you will learn about these tools, the better you would be able to come up with some creative ways to use them.

  1. Choose recurring posts or events

One of the best ways to make your content stand out on social media platforms is to go for recurring posts or events. To host a weekly Q & A live stream on your desired social media platform or just simply share a weekly tip will keep your audience engaged. They will find your content entertaining enough and finally, stick to you.

Social Media Events

Here, your foremost objective should be to come up with something which is worth enough to make your fans come back again and again. Once you’re having such a high level of engaging content to put forward week after week, your audience will definitely love your content. In spite of connecting with your audience, it will add a value to your social media marketing strategy and showcase a little bit personality of yours.

  1. Highlight the most shareable elements

The more you will make your social media posts appealing to look, the more it is good for you. In fact, Facebook offers tons of flexible attributes when it comes to formatting. Hence, it is very easy for you to create an attractive post. As most of the fields available on Facebook can be customized as per your choice, you must always highlight those elements in your social media posts which are worth sharing. It will boost up the audience’s attention for your social media posts up to a great extent.

  1. Publish more often

The LinkedIn research reveals that those users who share their contents or articles with their LinkedIn network at least once in a week get contacted by the recruiters up to 10 times more than those who don’t do that. If you post frequently on social media platforms then people get an idea that you are pretty active there and finally they develop a trust factor for you with a hope that there will be something interesting coming from you soon. With that, they can connect with your content more and of course, love it.

What are you waiting for?

Generate impeccable social media content, follow the aforementioned potent tricks and that’s it! People will not think twice to like, share, and love your content all the time.

About the Author

Sanket Patel is Founder & Director of, one of the leading affordable SEO company in India. His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. He is an expert in Web marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Affiliate Marketing, B2B Marketing, Online Advertisement of Google, Yahoo and MSN. Connect me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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