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10 Advanced SEO Techniques to Double Your Search Traffic

When it comes to increasing traffic to your website, you want to make sure that you are leveraging SEO to increase the click through rate. If you are adept with SEO and you are looking to not only increase your skill but also increase your ranking and traffic, then we can help. Here are 10 advanced SEO techniques to double your search traffic.

Upgrade Your Existing Content

SEO Optimized-Content-Marketing

It is really easy to think that your entire website needs a content overall in order to help improve your ranking. This isn’t the case at all. Save yourself some time and reword the existing content on your site. You don’t need a massive overhaul, just look to update your content with more up to date facts and figures, you may well see some quick wins.


When it comes to laying out your page, why not build your content into clusters. Not only do these clusters of topics help you group your content together, but it also helps your visitors to navigate your page. Furthermore, it can also help when your website is crawled and increase your ranking.


Its easy to think that the more content that you have the better it’ll perform. This in fact isn’t the case at all. You want to have a look through what content you have and conduct an audit. See which content is performing well and see which content isn’t. If you have a lot of content on your site, it’ll be far easier to delete the underperforming content then it will be to rework it. An audit can shine a light on which parts of your site are performing the best.


You want to optimize your content for snippets on google. This is the box that you see at the top of the search engine when you are typing in an instruction intent. These will require you to rework some of your content. You will need to make sure that’s it is succinct, under 60 words and well within one paragraph. This means that if you get this right, you should be able to sit at the top spot on google which will drive more traffic to you.

Audit Your Entire Site

SEO Site Audit

It really is very easy to get bogged down in it, so you want to make sure that you get the basics right before you move up to the next advance steps. Have you made sure that all of your pages have meta titles and descriptions? What about overall backlinks check?

Use readable URLS

Readable Links

It may not sound like an advanced tip, but it is often the simplest steps that are overlooked. When you are generating your URLS make sure they are readable. If you aren’t able to read them and determine what your page is about, how will your audience? It will also help you to improve your overall ranking as search engines will crawl your data it a more readable format.

Make Your Content Easy To Read

Most people don’t read blog posts properly. They more often than not skim read them. You want to make sure that your content is easy to read for your audience. Keep sentences short and succinct, make sure there are no more than 3 sentences per paragraph and break it down into small chunks. Simple right?

Check Your Rank

It sounds ridiculous, but you want to make sure that you understand where you are in a ranking search. Not only will this show you where you are currently situated, it will also show you were where you are in comparison to your competitors. There isn’t much better than knowing what your competitors are up to and where you can make changes in order to keep up with or be better than them.

Prioritize User Experience

When it comes to developing your site, you want to put user experience at the forefront of everything you do. Make sure that you make this primary objective as it will be the be all and end all of your site. If your users don’t enjoy using your site, they won’t return.

Optimize For Mobile Devices


Googles recent update has put mobile optimized sites ahead of desktop optimization. When you are developing your site you want to make sure that you are putting priority into your mobile site rather than the desktop version, your ranking results will thank us.

Wrap Up

When it comes to advanced SEO tips, some of the most advance are actually the most basic. You want to make sure that you consistently revisit the basics before start the technical work, this will make sure that you have a strong foundation that will remain intact.

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