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10 Easy Tips to Boost Conversion Rate Marketing

Boost Conversion Rate Marketing

Increasing your conversion rate marketing is absolutely essential. Having a good conversion rate is the foundation of high sales volumes. If you would like to increase your sales lets say by fifty percent, there are various ways you can do it. You can decide to increase advertising your content, increasing the production of your content by half or increase your time, effort and money into marketing by FIFTY PERCENT. All these methods could work, but there is a much cheaper and faster way to boost your sales, this is by increasing your conversion rate. For instance, if you have 2 percent conversion going to 3 percent, this is actually a fifty percent improvement in results. To achieve these results is not as simple as it sounds.

All these methods could work, but there is a much cheaper and faster way to boost your sales, this is by increasing your conversion rate. For instance, if you have 2 percent conversion going to 3 percent, this is actually a fifty percent improvement in results. To achieve these results is not as simple as it sounds.

Remember, having the right conversion rate marketing strategy is the most significant performance metric for any marketer and the most important leverage point for any business. However having success in driving conversion is becoming an incredibly daunting task for most of the online marketers. Every marketer is trying to make his/her conversion efforts work out. This competition has made it even harder for them to realize their conversion dreams. If you are among marketers looking for great tips to boost their conversation rate marketing, we got you covered.

Utilizing some of these tips will lead to significant improvement in conversion rates. Using all the tips will help you to bring a dramatic increase in your results. Here are our 10 Easy Tips to Boost Conversion Rate Marketing.

Here are our 10 Easy Tips to Boost Conversion Rate Marketing…

1. Mobile Optimization


Mobile conversion now accounts over fifty percent success of converting leads into actual customers. If you are not designed for optimal mobile use, you are losing big on sales. With the statistics in the above diagram, it is not an exaggeration to state that the use of mobile devices has an edge over the desktop use. This difference seems to be becoming much wider as time goes by. Remember most of the modern day discerning customers like to make their purchases on the go. For this reasons, these customers look for better user experience for mobile and smartphone devices.

Mobile conversion now accounts over fifty percent success of converting leads into actual customers. Click To Tweet


If you are looking forward to driving better conversion for your business, you need to optimize your site for better mobile experience. Change the design of your website and surprise your regular and occasional website visitors with the best possible mobile experience regardless of the model they are using.

Here are some of the tips to help you in optimizing your site to boost conversation in today’s mobile-driven market:

Improve the page load time

For various reasons, mobile data networks are much slower when compared to wired networks in most regions across the world. The network delays also slow the load time, making customers to get bored while purchasing goods and services via the mobile. To improve the load time you can preload the most significant and relative information to keep your customers engaged. Using interactive visuals and animated buttons will also help to camouflage the slow load time.

Improve the visibility

This is another reason that makes clients abandon your mobile site instantly. Ensure you have the relevant information, which is easily readable. Invest in the right visuals, graphics, and fonts.

Auto sliders

Rotational display of content on the front of the page is a common feature in most mobile sites. This automation slider is usually used to catch the eyes of the user towards different sets of promotional burners. Although this may work well with some users, it often put off many website visitors in most cases. The automation makes it difficult for customers to click on the right banner. To avoid this know how to optimize your mobile site efficiently.

2. Do A/B testing

A/B testing is an excellent technique that helps you to turn visitors into customers. This method will help you to analyze what is working and what is not. Most online marketers are using this technique in a bid to increase conversion rate on their site. Let’s look at some of the statistics that shows that this testing is vital for every business.

  • In 2011, Google ran more than 7,000 A/B tests
  • Amongst businesses, use of testing has increased from 27 % to 38%.
  • A/B testing helped President Obama raise $60 million.
  • 44 percent of businesses use A/B testing resources.
  • For last 2 years, A/B testing is the most used method for increasing conversions.


There is no excuse for not using the A/B testing. The testing is easy, fast and actually fun.

There is no excuse for not using the A/B testing. Click To Tweet

It helps you test your guts feeling and learn new thing as well as increase your creativity. Remember this testing should never end, after finding a winning page, try building on that and test something else. This will help you to increase the positive changes to a more substantial growth.


3. Set up a sales funnel

Do you know that not asking for a sale by having more leads signup in your website can kill your conversions? People might just be browsing or not be psychologically ready to purchase from your site right now. Asking for subscription lets you to have a record of individuals who have visited your site and you may use the list to convert them to customers.

CRO Sales Funnel

For instance, let’s say that you are offering an online course on gardening.

What the visitor wants

· To learn about various gardening tips to help improve their outdoor garden

What you want

· You want the visitor to enroll in the course and pay the full amount you are asking for

How to go about it

  1. Offer valuable free gardening tip via your blog, free reports, and videos.
  2. Become a trusted advisor
  3. Give them compelling reasons why they should sign up to your email list
  4. Send them to your sale copy and ask for the sale

Ensure you offer valuable advises and results before asking for the sale. It is paramount to capture their email so that you can continue talking to them.


4. Employ Video Marketing

Incorporating videos on your blog, website, and other connected platforms will help you to convince your user in a better manner, thus boosting conversion. Video marketing will help you to educate your visitors about your product or service without having to force them to go through tons of text. Ensure that your videos are short but have valuable, interactive and visually appealing content to your visitors.

Video Marketing Strategy

Video marketing is a perfect fit for many social media channels. In fact, video as a medium is very popular with Facebook and Instagram. In addition, Twitter is also allowing video publishing on its platform. When you use these mediums, you will reach to millions of people who you can just convert into clients. However for you to do this ensure that your videos have a call to action.

5. Make Website Personalization Your Priority

Website personalization is something that has gained a lot of popularity on the net. However, because of ignorance or lack of knowledge many marketers are still reluctant to take action. According to Exact Target researchers, only 29 percent of marketers are investing in website personalization. Whether you have a SaaS internet site, a blog or an eCommerce store, offering personalized content to your visitors will improve the user experience and hence the conversions. Some of the organizations who have started offering website personalization have reported a fourteen percent increase in their sales.


For you to offer website personalization effectively, you must be aware of all types of users that visit your site. For instance, if your business focuses on selling gardening tools and equipment you can offer content specifically catered to suppliers and clients. It is also possible to offer personalized content to your visitors based on the industry they belong to or where they lie in your conversion funnel.

According to Adobe, website personalization is very effective for eCommerce websites. Adobe reported that about 90 percent of the consumer says that personalization impacts their purchase decisions.

6. Track All Your Conversions

The primary goal of boosting conversion rate marketing strategy is to increase micro and macro conversions. When you improve macro conversation, you will always achieve your end goal, which may be a product sale or a subscription confirmation. Even though you have met your ultimate goal, this should not mean that you should not keep track of your micro conversations. Remember a multiple of micro conversions will make up a macro conversion. It is very hard for you to have a visitor visiting your site only once and make a macro conversion.

7. Optimize Call to Action Button for Conversions

A call to action button is the most important element of your landing page. It is also a final trigger to conversion that guides your users towards the final steps of the conversion process. When it comes to conversion rate marketing, most businesses and marketers tend to ignore a call to action. The diagram below will show you how marketers ignore a call to action.


70% of Websites do Call-to-Action Wrong!Click To Tweet

Ensure you have a well-designed and powerful call to action button for the visitors to make your desired action on your site. If you do not persuade your visitors to take the action you want on your site, you will not turn the visitors into paying customers.

Here are some imperative pointers that you should have in mind when designing your call to action:

  • The color is an important feature that makes your visitors find a call to action on your landing page. Do not just pick any color for your call-to-action. Select a color that is bold and distinct to make the call to action visible.
  • Position or the spot where you install your call to action button is also crucial. Do not pace the button on the sidebars or any other place where it will be buried under the folds.
  • Creativity- Using the call to action in your site is an art by itself. Ensure that you are creative with your call to action buttons.

8. Utilize Social Media Marketing

The social media is one of the best ways for pushing consumers through the conversion funnel. Start getting people to follow you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media programs. Once you have many followers, you can slowly nudge them from awareness to action. Many researchers have shown that implementing social login features on your website will increase the number of people who sign up. The report shows that 86 percent of the users will not sign up for an account id it requires them to go through a registration process. However, about 77 percent of the client are comfortable with their social login options.

Many researchers have shown that implementing social login features on your website will increase the number of people who sign up. The report shows that 86 percent of the users will not sign up for an account id it requires them to go through a registration process. However, about 77 percent of the client are comfortable with their social login options.

9. Retargeting

The conversion rate for many sites is usually less than 2 percent. This means that over 98 percent of the people who visit your site leaves without taking the appropriate action. Retargeting will help you to get the visitors who had already visited your site to come back. It gives you a second chance to communicate with visitors who had previously abandoned your site for various reasons. Here are some of the statistics that reveal the importance of retargeting in conversion rate marketing.

  1. Retargeted ads can increase branded search exposure by more than 1,000%.
  2. Retargeted users are 70% more likely to convert.
  3. 49% brands set aside specific budgets just for retargeting.
  4. As you can see from the statistics, retargeting will help you to convert your leads to customers and assist them in remembering your brand for future purchases.

This diagram will guide you on how to get your retargeting campaign right:


10. Make it easy to buy from you

For effective conversion, you must put in place measures that make doing business with you as easy as possible. Make sure that the users do not go through the trouble of learning how to buy for you. The buying process has to be intuitive and self-evident.

You can do this by telling the users what they should do next by guiding them towards the action you want them to make. You should also not give the user too many options. If you are offering many products, create better filters. This will help your prospects to identify what is right for them without taking up a lot of time.

Finally, you should offer free shipping. Nothing puts off a customer than having to pay extra money for shipping. A survey conducted by eConsultancy showed that free shipping is the most popular motivation for over 80 percent of clients in both UK and US.

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Conversion Rate Marketing – Conclusion

Go ahead and try these tips to help you in boosting your conversion rate marketing and we are sure that they will help you to demystify this complex phenomenon of converting your leads into actual paying customers. It is crucial to know that this process is recurrent and requires you to have strategic plans in place.

This means that you must always strive for a room for improvement despite the fact that you are equipped with these time proven and reliable Conversion Rate Marketing tips.

Conversion Rates

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