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5 Easy-to-Use Tools for Creating Structured Data Markup

Do you want to use structured data markup for your website? It seems no more difficult with structured data markup generators. Schema markup or structured data markup generating tools consists of different properties to create scalable Schema markup codes. They are easy to use and comprehensive.

What is Schema markup?

If you are a newbie, then you need to know what schema markup is and why we are using it on the website? Schema markup is the code that ought to be put on your site to help web indexes get the essential data for their users. Schema markup is known as the language that crawlers comprehend to index the context of the content available on any website page.

Types of Schema Markup Codes

There are three types of Schema markup code.

  • Microdata
  • RDFa

Google recommends using the JSON-LD schema markup code whenever possible.

Google recommends using the JSON-LD schema markup code whenever possible.Click To Tweet

Schema markup examples in Search gallery

There are some enhancements and content types given in search gallery. You can check them here:

There are six types of enhancement schema markup:

  1. Breadcrumb
  2. Corporate Contact
  3. Carousel
  4. Logo
  5. Sitelinks Search Box
  6. Social Profile

And sixteen types of content schema markup:

  1. Article
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Dataset
  5. Events
  6. Fact Check
  7. Job Posting
  8. Local Businesses
  9. Music
  10. Occupation
  11. Podcast
  12. Products
  13. Recipes
  14. Reviews
  15. TV & Movie
  16. Videos

You can choose any of the markup examples as per your needs, and after that, you can modify the code in structure data markup tool.

Various SEO-related sites have created free schema markup generators that do the diligent work for you. You need to enter the correct data, after that it generates the relating schema markup code for your site.

You can easily create Structured Data Markup codes as per your requirements by using these tools.

Here we listed top 5 easy to use tools for creating structured data markup:

1. Schema Markup Generator : By using this tool, you can easily create JSON-LD & Microdata markups schema markup code according to your needs. It offers ten different kinds of schema markup codes. You need to choose the appropriate markup from the drop-down list as per your requirements and then need to fill the data in the fields appeared right after selecting the type of schema markup.

Schema Markup Generator

2. Generator: When it comes to creating the local business schema markups, Generator is one of the best tools available on the web.

  It has a sidebar on the left which you can use to create the local business schema markup as per your business category.

Schema Markup Tools

3. JSON-LD Schema Generator: One of the simplest ways to create JSON-LD Schema markup is utilizing JSON-LD Schema Generator. With this tool, you can rapidly produce the right JSON-LD for any page on your website.


4. JSON-LD Generator: This tool offers many classes for creating JSON-LD code accordingly. You can generate the schema markup code for broad and specific business categories.

JSON Schema Markup Code

5. JSON-LD Schema Markup Generator: This generator can be utilized to create structured data markup as JSON-LD that can be added into the head or footer of your website to enhance visibility to the web crawlers. It uses markup, and the generated code can be tested on Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

JSON-LD Schema Markup Generator

These five marvelous schema markup generators will enable you to add the vital organized information to your website. Remember the most important advice: testing your code. Attempt these free schema markup analyzers to ensure your data’s ready.

Schema markup is an advanced level SEO method. It causes internet searcher crawlers to give rich data to the user even before they visit the site. It helps in enhancing the CTR (Click Through Rate) and conversion rate.

By utilizing the schema markup on your webpage, you are going to emerge among your competitors and drive relevant traffic to your site. If you have any inquiry concerning the Schema Markup and the execution of your nearby business marketing, don’t hesitate to connect with any good digital marketing agency and they can recommend you the best solution according to your needs.

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