Six Figure Income Review

The Six Figure Income Scam – SFI Review – What You Need to Know

SFI Reviews

Product Name: SFI Internet IncomeSix Figure Income
Price: Free (kind of)
Owners: SFI Marketing Group
Overall Rank: 2 out of 5
Verdict: SCAM!

Is Six Figure Income Yet Another Epic Pyramid Scheme?

There are a ton of reviews about SFI – also known as Six Figure Income, some of the reviews are positive, but many are negative. I’m simply hoping to enlighten you a bit on what this program really is about and I hope this information will help you make an informed decision on whether to try it out (or not).

The first thing that you will notice and is enticing about SFI is that it’s free. Well, it’s at least free to join anyway. I fully believe in the the “try before you buy” implementation. But, unlike a solid honest and transparent business, that’s about where thing go squirrelly and get incredibly confusing and complicated.

After you join for “free”, here is the first thing you’re going be met with:

Your First Three Steps:

  1. The EA or Executive Affiliate path and remain an EA each month thereafter
  2. Get five other people to join with you
  3. Teach those five to recruit others in the program just as you have done

Coming up I’ll going into what this truly means and how this differs from an actual real online business. But, hang in there for a few and read on….

The SFI Bottom Line

It’s really rather ironic that I’m about to list the Pros and Cons in the next step of this SFI Review and NONE of the Pros have anything to do with the average member earning a Six Figure Income. Also, most of the Cons are surrounded around YOU shelling out more money to help this scheme stay afloat.


  • Free to Join (well, free signup, that’s about it)
  • You can actually earn money (but way difficult than most)


  • The scheme is setup to support their “Triple Clicks” company – involving purchasing goods from untrustworthy sources simply in order to collect your money
  • You start out as the low man on the totem pole, the totem pole being a pyramid in the scheme. In order to move up their ranks, you have to recruit friends and family – not a good model.
  • You’ll end up paying more for your membership than you’ll actually earn (a common, well-documented complaint as I’ll show you)
  • After signup, your personal information will be given to third-party companies who will then attempt to scam you into further costly coaching programs
  • Way too many complaints available to even think this is a good idea
  • You are NOT creating a real business of any kind.

As you can see there are many more negative features about this pyramid scheme than positives. As a matter of fact, you’ll really have to investigate and dig deep to find anything documented as a “highlight” or positive aspect of this so-called “business”. Most members are unhappy with any changes that have been made and I’ll get into that further in a bit. Regardless, this is not nor ever has been a good “business” model. Check out my Number 1 recommendation if you want to get involved with a legit online business opportunity that will teach you from the ground up how to truly succeed online.

How SFI Affiliate Program Works

Are you confused about how the affiliate program for Six Figure Income is spelled out? Well, you’re not alone, most people are.

As mentioned above, there are a few steps you are given to tackly in order to begin “making money online”. It’s incredibly confusing, but I’ll do my best to describe what I feel they are depicting.

Step 1: Earn Money by Accumulating VersaPoints

How SFI Works 1

Versapoints are the Six Figure Income’s own “in-house” value system that allows you to complete lengthy tasks in order to collect points. Some tasks will yield 10, 20, 30 or higher points. Some will result in points as high as 150 when I last checked. The tasks we’re talking about revolve around sharing the scheme with other people to doing totally mindless stuff that only benefits SFI and not you at all. Many members of the program simply recommend you spend your hard-earned money on the Triple Clicks internal company.

Subsequently, when you reach the final 1500 points accumulated mark, you’re placed into a “pool” of members that can earn money from some “unknown” pot of money.

Step 2: Sales Generation

How SFI Works - generating points

Your next step is to join as an affiliate. TripleClicks is built around unreliable ecommerce companies within the ECA Network and their associated products. You can actually earn way more by becoming an Amazon Affiliate and without all the hassle. Heck, you can setup a website and Amazon Associate account and have your Amazon Store up and running in a single day without going through all these hoops. Regardless, when you send people to TripleClicks you earn more SFI Versapoints in addition to another “unknown” commission based on some weird SFI algorithm.

Step 3: People Must Join Under You

How SFI Works - Sponsors

Much like other pyramid schemes, this is the part where you have to train others and “duplicate” yourself within the “Six Figure Income” (SFI) system and get them to do exactly what you’re doing. They join and are attached to you and you are responsible for teaching them to perform the menial tasks that you did to get to a point where they help support SFI and funnel money to those that came before. Additionally, they support the ECA network and end up purchasing products they don’t need simply to add to their Versapoints and refer their own people, repeating the circle over and over again.

Is this like any real successful business model you’ve heard of?

Nope, me either.

Step 4: Earn “Additional Income” Online

How it works Add Supplemental Income

Subsequently, there are other more “advanced supplemental” income streams that are referred to that few members actually understand. Apparently, you can refer companies to sell products within the ECA environment or “sponsor” paid members into Six Figure Income itself – thus, exacerbating the already convoluted program. And, the companies you may refer become products auctioned on the TripleClicks internal platform. You would and do still need targeted traffic and a huge audience if you plan on leveraging this type of platform to perform.

Six Figure Income (SFI) Scam Reports and Complaints are All Over the Place

You can check just about any RipOff or Scam Report online and find a “wealth” of complaints about this scheme (sorry for the pun, I couldn’t resist!) SFI is one of the leaders of complaints for an proposed online business opportunity. One of the first places I check is and here is just one of the many examples:

Six Figure Income Ripoff Report

I have investigated this one deeply and have yet to find a single SFI member yearing a six figure income. Obviously, there are many members fed up with SFI for being a scam and making such outrageous income claims.

Additionally, you can check the BBB (Better Business Bureau) complaints and find an unusually high number on SFI. At the present time, there are 38 complaints lodged with BBB for the past three years (keep in mind, that most people that leave or are unhappy won’t go through the trouble of filing a complaint with BBB – these are simply the ones that did).

SFI BBB Complaints

One of the most outstanding complaints from members of SFI is that as soon as they were actually able to earn some income from the scheme, their membership was abruptly cut off because SFI classified their TripleClicks auctions as fraud. This sounds a lot like a company trying to get out of paying earned commissions to me.

Additionally, you’ll find many other independent websites available online that report negative findings within Six Figure Income Marketing Group. My SFI Review is very small in comparison, albeit my research and due diligence has been done. It’s really disheartening that a program that has been in business this long hasn’t yet folded. Here’s just another example:

SFI Member Complaint

After five years in and I’m sure thousands of dollars, this member got caught by a change SFI made and is now not making enough to pay the monthly membership fees.

With this many complaints available online, you can’t place blame on the membership. Sure, there are several businesses with complaints from uninformed consumers and they are easily rectified and later resolved. But, with this many complaints (and the list is growing) it speaks to SFI management and their inherently flawed business model. Six Figure Income is a blatant scam.

What Does SFI Really Cost to Join?

If your time is free to you, then it’s free to join. But, my time is worth something, because I work hard. Your time shouldn’t be free either. Additionally, if you don’t mind giving your personal information to third-party companies that’ll hound you to buy their services or products, then it may be okay. SFI will get paid for using their members as leads and scamming them to the tune of $1,000 to $5,000 for a list of “mentoring” programs.

The Six Figure Income (SFI) Review Final Verdict

I urge you to avoid wasting your valuable time on this pyramid scheme. The bottom line is that SFI is confusing at best and scamming consumers into feeding their internal company. If you become an SFI affiliate, you’ll be at the bottom of a hole digging yourself out and risk sponsoring others to do the same. I have personally learned of members with over 400-500 affiliates they have introduced to SFI that are making less than $100 per month. How does any company justify that? You can decide for yourself.

I can understand the allure of SFI as they reward members regularly with their point system to create a facade of value. But, to make it to the 1500 point range, you’ll end up purchasing a ton of unneeded product through their TripleClicks company which as I mentioned, simply earns SFI money, NOT YOU!

The scheme is totally flawed and the tactics do nothing except support SFI and don’t even give you a solid foundation to take and apply elsewhere. You will not learn how to market or build your own real online presence in any stretch of the imagination. I would avoid SFI at all costs and I hope this SFI Review has given you some food for thought.

Six Figure Income SFI Scam

Do you have experience with SFI? Please leave a comment below, good or bad so that others may benefit. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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SFI Review