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Is a Copywriter the Same as an Essay Editor?

The vast majority of private and corporate customers are firmly convinced that the services of a copywriter will help advertise and competently promote products. But the main stumbling blocks arise in the form of advertising and types of promotion. To give preference to contextual, media or social media advertising? Decide on search, news or article promotion? The result of the marketing campaign and the effect of website promotion depend on the right choice.

Meanwhile, the main purpose of advertising for website promotion is to ensure sales growth, strengthen the image of an Internet resource, and increase user loyalty. To fulfill their goals, practical customers and knowledgeable clients order copywriting services.

An experienced specialist, based on the information provided, will create memorable images of the advertised products, attract the attention of visitors to commercial sites and convince potential buyers and customers of the need to make purchases or place orders by the power of words.

How to find copywriting jobs

Copywriting services: unique website content creation and help of an essay editor

If you need your essay, thesis, assignment, some other type of a paper, one paragraph, or even a sentence rewording service, reword from essay editor service by professional editors working for reword company will come in handy. Rewording might sound easy but it is not when it comes down to becoming a reality.

Text content for commercial Internet resources and corporate websites is fundamentally different from articles, reviews and other copyrighted materials intended for publication in print publications or in classical media. Not every reporter or writer will be able to prepare the right content. This work is the path of a professional copywriter who specializes in filling and maintaining corporate websites of various topics and directions.

Currently, the qualitative characteristics of text content for a commercial website are becoming invaluable. After all, search engines constantly tighten requirements for the content of websites, regularly update search algorithms and filter out sites of dubious quality. Therefore, the services of a professional copywriter are becoming more and more popular every year among the owners of Internet resources and webmasters.

High-quality content, copyright text and professional copywriting fully take into account the requirements of customers in every sentence and meet the following criteria:

  • Possesses genuine originality and absolute uniqueness.
  • Combines a special look at the topic and the author’s presentation of materials.
  • Attracts the target audience and motivates them to take the required actions.
  • Differs in clear structuring and correct design.
  • Contains a maximum of relevant information and useful data.
  • Submits to optimization rules and takes into account search engine algorithms.

The modern copywriter successfully combines the qualities of a creative person and a technician in every thesis, creating the right text content for commercial purposes. A private copywriter is contacted in cases when, with the help of original texts, it is required to convey to readers the most important information about products and solutions, about firms and companies, about events and personalities.

The main areas of work of a technical copywriter:

  • Creation of original text content to fill the site.
  • SEO copywriting and preparation of optimized articles.
  • Writing content for the home page and “About the company”.
  • Branding, naming and development of advertising slogans.
  • Filling the internal pages of websites.
  • Writing author’s thematic articles.
  • Audit and analysis of the text content of the site.
  • Development of commercial proposals.
  • Preparation of press releases and newsmaking.
  • Editing and proofreading of finished materials.
  • Rewriting of texts based on customer materials.
  • Development of each paragraph for mailing, brochures and catalogs.

Each advertising or informational material is written for a specific target audience, taking into account its characteristics, needs and capabilities. Original copywriting is an indispensable tool for influencing the audience. There is a power within the process of a reword. This circumstance gives particular importance to cooperation with a golden copywriter. He knows how to influence consumer behavior and motivate them to take targeted actions.

How to SEO Friendly Content

A non-standard approach to creating advertising materials and copyright articles is especially appreciated among customers of text content. After all, a specialist copywriter knows how to make advertising attractive to consumers. He understands the specifics of advertising messages and is able to create unique selling propositions that will be radically different from competing advertising. Thanks to his own objectivity and consumer conservatism, he can pick up convincing arguments in favor of the promoted products, without stopping to aggressive and intrusive advertising.

Each copywriter has secret best practices in the field of advertising creative, allowing to grab the attention of users. Thanks to this, advertising messages reach the minds of potential consumers and stimulate a consumer boom: after all, consumers are already ripe for shopping, and advertising helps them to make a choice in favor of a particular product.

When a smart copywriter has done a good job on an ad message, making it expressive and memorable, the ad will work 100% and bring abundant rewards in the form of increased sales. Positive impressions from advertising products are gradually transferred to the advertising customer and contribute to the formation of a successful brand, ensuring the development and prosperity of the company.

The advantages of working with a private copywriter include the saved nerves and a lot of saved time. Turning to a competent contractor, you will forget about the endless hassle in the process of creating, coordinating and placing advertising materials, and also get a real assessment of the effectiveness of the ordered materials. An experienced copywriter will write good text and come up with an original idea that can develop unique opportunities and open up new perspectives.

Each customer of text content is primarily interested in the cost of the copywriting service. The costs of updating text materials directly depend on this. Given the limited budgets and the desire of many customers to optimize the cost of content for the site, a contradiction arises between the needs and capabilities of customers. Some of them seriously believe that high-quality texts and articles can be ordered at ridiculous prices, which are offered by schoolchildren, students and non-professional performers who earn extra money in their free time in the field of copywriting.


Unique content for a site that costs less than $ 2 for 1,000 characters (symbols) is rarely good material. At best, this is mediocre rewriting, which is presented by unscrupulous performers as original copywriting or even copyright texts. Such prices for texts reflect the actual quality of the copywriter’s services, which is inversely correlated with the cost of copywriting and rewriting. In other words, the customer buys the job of a common test typesetter.

The other extreme is eminent performers who offer services at exorbitant prices, from $70 per 1,000 characters (symbols). Usually, services for creating concise texts on the main page or on the “About the Company” page, as well as sales texts for landing pages, designed to solve specific marketing and advertising tasks, are estimated at this cost.

Prices for copywriting depend on various factors: subject matter of text content, task complexity, optimization requirements, urgency of order processing, etc. For example, technical copywriting will cost much more than optimized texts for placement on other resources. The cost of text on the homepage of a website will be several times higher than the cost of describing goods in an online store. The cost of copywriting services fully reflects the decent quality of text content, allowing you to successfully solve the following tasks:

  • Development of individual advertising solutions and creation of exclusive content.
  • Competent optimization of original texts for search engine promotion.
  • Preparing informative and readable materials for people.
  • Website high-quality and news content.

Professional content is a key link in the Internet business, thanks to which all the benefits are revealed in an accessible language and tangible benefits are presented. Successful texts always attract the attention of readers, maintain interest in the site and inspire confidence in the author. When creating advertising articles and sales texts, the copywriter acts as a marketing and advertising specialist. The result of an advertising campaign and search engine promotion depends on his skills and abilities. Therefore, the high cost of copywriting services is a reasonable price to pay for running a successful and profitable Internet business.

There are several important criteria on the basis of which you can reliably determine the quality of services and the professionalism of a copywriter:

  • Every copywriter who has taken part in his business has a personal website that clearly confirms the demand for his work.
  • Cool portfolio with examples of completed work and a list of clients.
  • A professional copywriter always offers to fill out the Brief (test) and asks additional questions.

When ordering texts and articles, you often have to answer specific questions regarding the subject matter of the Internet resource and revealing the details of the assignment. Additional information helps to avoid the most common mistakes and semantic inaccuracies. A completed brief and close communication with the copywriter are a kind of guarantee for obtaining high-quality texts.

Currently, customers have three options where they can order copywriting services:

  • Content exchange markets – unique low-quality texts at a meager cost.
  • Copywriting agencies or web studios are relatively expensive services that are available only to corporate clients with not infinite budgets.
  • A professional copywriter is the best option for those who value genuine quality and original style at an affordable cost.

Do you need copywriting services? Look for the right specialist for personal recommendations or, at the very least, online. The network contains a great variety of offers in various price categories from small web studios, large advertising agencies or professional copywriters such as those at who are ready to help with your essay or other college assignments 24/7.

When the reputation of your site is at stake, in no case should you look for a copywriter on the content (article) exchange markets – this is where the essence of the saying fully manifests itself: “don’t be penny wise and pound foolish.” The extremely low prices for text content reflect the mediocre quality of the articles and texts on offer. If you need quality material – contact an experienced copywriter. He knows how to help you, and will do your paper with professionalism and diligence.

About the author

Melisa Marzett is an experienced content writer from Phoenix, Arizona. She has been working as a reporter back in her native city writing articles and doing interviews. Currently, she is living in London because she was always culturally linked to the British culture and working for reword from essay editor service . Information is her passion and she can’t imagine her life without getting to know something new and sharing these new things with her dear audience.

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