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How to Use The Instagram Live Video for Business in Efficient Way

Introduction of Instagram Live

Instagram Live Video also known as the Instagram live streaming is the ultimate feature of the Instagram stories. This feature is offers the Instagram users to go for online broadcasting to their audience. This  live streaming feature is the most used feature of the Instagram stories, almost 82% of users on Instagram all love to watch the Live Streaming. The Instagram live can be used for many purposes like for business purposes and can be a superstar addition to your social media marketing strategy.

Let’s have a look on how you can watch the Instagram live story on Instagram. The Instagram Live Videos are shown on the top of the home screen of the Instagram along the Instagram stories then how will you identify which one is live video? It is actually very simple, you just need to see which story is with the “LIVE” icon. The Instagram live stories are always shown on the first from the Instagram stories. For watching the live streaming just simply tap on the Live Icon and you will redirect to the Live Streaming.

How Instagram Live Appropriate for Business

Instagram nowadays is the top rated social media application in the mean of marketing. Instagram provides lots of features in the Instagram business account for the business promotion, if you use these features in the accurate way then you can gain lots of benefits. Instagram live is one of the best features that is using worldwide on the large scope for the business promotion. Instagram has currently more than 1 billion users and on a daily basis, millions of people are using Instagram for pictures and video posting, sharing statuses on the Instagram story and for chatting with friends.

As we discussed the Instagram is the large community, don’t you think it is the best platform for business marketing. You can gain maximum Instagram automatic likes. According to Instagram analysis 80% users of the Instagram have followed the at least one brand on Instagram and similarly 80% community of the Instagram love to participate in the live streaming. So why you don’t use the Live Streaming for your brand promotion. You can use the live streaming for the announcement of the upcoming events or product or you can do live chat with your audience. In short Instagram Live video is the best and most powerful tool for business promotion.

How to Use Instagram live for Business

Instagram Live Video

Many people think that using Instagram live video for the Business promotion is very easy which is actually not much easy. You need to follow some rules and steps for the successful business advertisement on the Instagram Live streaming. The steps and details are given below, without wasting more time scroll down and start learning.

Make a Schedule

Before starting any work you should need to be consistent and need to create a schedule. If you want to be successful in that work then you should need to be stick on your decided schedule. Similarly if you have decided to promote your business then you should have to make a schedule. It is not compulsory you go live every day, you can go for live once a week it is enough. Decide one day in a week and time for live broadcast and announce your live streaming schedule to your audience, then you will see when you go for live 80% of your audience will watch your live streaming.

Set the Goals


Here is the second step after making schedule, you need to set your goals. In this step you will need to do some writing work, actually you need to decide how many people will work on the live streaming and one which date which person will go for the live and you need to decide with your team on which format you will do the live session. Topics can be asking the people to sign up in your website, ask them to buy your products, request the audience to follow your brand and so on. We suggest you set the separate live streaming session for each topic, in this way you can get much better results from the audience.

Select the Live Video Format

There are many formats and topics on you can start a live broadcasting. But choosing the best format is tricky because people don’t like the boring the live streaming and it can impact the bad impression on your profile. So you need to pick the format that can have the ability to gain maximum visitors on the live streaming, some of the famous formats are mentioned below.

  • Question and Answer Session: People on Instagram even on all social media platforms are like to participate in the question answer session because people think that by answering the question they are increasing their general knowledge. How you can start the Q&A session on the live stream, when you start live stream allow the viewers to ask you a question in the comment box and you will answer them on the live stream. Similarly you will ask the question to the viewers and they will answer in the comment and vice versa.
  • Announce Your Upcoming Launches: The Instagram live is the best opportunity for let to know your audience about your upcoming launches. For example if you are near to launch your new product or new service then you can inform your audience by showing the teaser and this is the best way for gaining the maximum reaches and developing curiosity in the followers.
  • Collaborate with the Celebrity: If you want to increase your views on your Instagram live streaming then you should have to collaborate with the celebrity or an influence. This is the best way for gaining maximum boost on the Live video. There is another way for gaining more views you can buy Instagram story views fast, actually both are the paid way if you are collaborating with the celebrity then in return you are paying them and similarly if you buy the views its mean you are investing.

Go to Instagram Story Camera

After deciding the schedule, setting goals and choosing the format of Instagram live video, now it’s time to go live. As we describe before that Instagram is the feature of the Instagram story so for going live first you need to go the Instagram story camera. For accessing the camera click on the camera icon on the left top of the screen or do right swipe on the screen. When you are using the Instagram camera for the first time then it will ask for the permission, you need to click on the enable camera access and enable microphone Access.

Choose the Instagram Live Option

Whenever you are using the Instagram  Story camera it will allow you to use it for the nine kinds of purposes are given below.

  • Live: It is using for the Live video broadcasting
  • Type: In this mode you can type the textual status
  • Music: This feature not launch in all countries, it is used for adding music.
  • SuperZoom: It is used for zooming on the specific thing.
  • Hand Free: By using this option you don’t need to press the capture button for long for capturing the video.
  • Rewind: This option allows you to rewind you captured video.
  • Normal: This is used for capturing the normal pictures and videos.
  • Boomerang: You can capture the short clip that will play in loop.
  • Focus: As like DSLR you can focus on the particular part of the picture.

In the above options you just need to select the Live option for start the live streaming.

Check the Instagram Story Settings

Always check your Instagram story settings before going live. For checking the settings click on the gear icon located on the top left of the screen. You will see the option Story controls. The first story setting you will see it is for hiding your story from the specific person and in second option will allow you to choose who can reply on the story. As you are promoting your business then you should need to set all the setting to Everyone so how everybody can view, reply and react on the Live streaming.

Go Live Streaming on Instagram

Now after setting configuration click on the start live video and then Instagram will automatically sent the notification to you all users about your live streaming. For confirming that you are online just check the LIVE icon on the top left on the screen as well as if you want to check the duration of your live streaming then just simply click on the LIVE icon then you can see your live streaming time.

Switch Camera During Live Streaming

Well in this advance world every smartphone has dual camera so when you are on the live streaming the Instagram will allow you to switch the camera means if you are on the front facing camera then you can switch yourself on the rear camera, this option is amazing. If you want to share the live moments with your audience then it can possible by this feature just simply click on the camera switch option then camera will automatically switch from front to rare or rare to front it will depend on the current facing camera.

Use the Face Filters

It is the best ever trick for catching more engagement from the audience. Instagram Live is the feature of the Instagram story then it is obviously it will allow to use the filters during the live streaming. Two types of filters are offered by the Instagram one those are applied on the whole screen and second you can use on the face like the snapchat. People always react on the funny stuff and epic stuff. If you want to gain more engagement and you want to raise your audience then use the face filters frequently in your live video.

Answer the Comments

This tip we have discussed before in the format section. Answering the comments of the audience is the best way for creating a bond with the users. If you are answering the comment of the user its mean you are appreciating them and users will also feel happy when he or she watch that you are answering their comments.

Share your Live Streaming on other Social Platforms

When you are on the live streaming ask your viewers to share your live streaming with friends or on their other social media accounts. When they are sharing your live streaming the link will generate and that link will share. If anybody wants to access your live streaming then he or she needs to click on that link then that person will redirect to your live streaming. It is an efficient way for gaining more views on the Live Streaming and you know what you can also increase your followers on your profile.

End Your Live Streaming

When you have done on the live streaming never end the live streaming directly first say thanks to your audience and appreciate their comments and announce your next instagram live video date. After this click on the End button showing on the top right corner then your live streaming will end.

Save and share on the Story

After finish the live streaming broadcast now you will see how many people have viewed your live video and the option for saving the live chat. Click on the save button to save the live streaming in the mobile gallery. On the bottom of the screen you can see the option of share by clicking on the share option you can share your live streaming on the story for the 24 hours, if you want to keep for long then you can save it as highlights.


Live Streaming is one of the best and fabulous features of Instagram that help you gain more engagements and followers on Instagram. Just keep in mind be consistent in the live streaming session and clear your format before starting the live video, try to answer the comments of the people and in the last ask the viewers to share your live streaming to other users and social media accounts.

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