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How to Create a Successful E-Commerce Platform

Imagine a life where you are not tied to someone else’s schedule? You are in charge of your own destiny and work is sitting in front of your laptop for a few hours, while relaxing somewhere nice.

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The secret to this business is outsourcing, which allows you to manage your business from a laptop, while your IT and logistics needs are handled by third parties. Many people are unsuccessful, due to a number of reasons, it might be lack of funds, or failing to use SEO services, or even poor management, and we hope this article helps you.

Website Design & Management

Of course, your website is very much your portal to the digital world, and you need to invest in professional web design, with a slick shopping cart platform with fast-loading pages and a range of payment gateways. You can administer the site if you are able, but the web developer would be happy to manage the platform, updating when necessary and uploading new product images and descriptions, plus they would handle cyber-security – essential for any platform where financial transactions take place.

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If you are starting as a part time entrepreneur and are still holding down your day job, finances might be tight, but with online payday loans from Nimble, you can hire the web developer, which is an essential aspect of your new business.

Choosing a Product Line

You simply can’t afford to get this one wrong, and in-demand sectors include health products, sports apparel, digital devices and clothing. If you carry out some serious marketing research, you should be able to select a line that is in high demand, and always choose hi-end, as cheap products offer no future.

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The modern consumer if quality focused and natural is always best with things like health & beauty products, and you should think ‘green’ with products made from sustainable sources. Recycled materials ensure that eco-friendly consumers are attracted, and once you are sure you have found the right products, you need to invest in digital Marketing. Of course, you need to crunch the numbers to determine the exact cost of getting a product to the customer, then you can calculate your mark-up, but whatever else, you must be price competitive, as the online consumer knows how to compare prices.

Digital Marketing

Once your domain name is registered and the site is online, how will consumers know of your existence? Aside from a few friends who follow the link you send, the online consumer has no way of knowing your store exists. That’s where digital marketing comes in, and while it will cost you money, you really have no choice but to invest in SEO services to make your website prominent in Google searches. If you really want to drive traffic to your online store, SEO services must be ongoing, and when you compare your investment with the profit you made from sales, you will wish to keep the SEO work going.

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There are several ways you can do this; you could stock up your garage with products and create your own branding, then you pack and send products via courier to the customer. Another idea is to find a supplier who will pack using your packaging and deliver to the customer on your behalf. This is the much-preferred way, as you never even touch the products, simply forward all orders to the supplier and they take care of everything. The other solution is to use a third-party logistics company, who will pick, pack and deliver all orders, you simply send the products and your packaging and they receive orders as they come in. This ensures rapid delivery, which is why many digital entrepreneurs prefer this method, and order fulfilment needs to be speedy, and these are professionals with all the resources to fulfil orders fast.

Facilitating the Business

You will need one person to monitor your chat support, which can be outsourced to a call center, plus you need to manage your payment gateways, transferring funds as soon as they clear, and with daily contact with your webmaster, you can quickly affect any changes. Set up a speedy connection with your suppliers, which allows you to order directly from your computer, and once everything is up and running, you can manage everything from your laptop.

This will only work if you have SEO professionals driving traffic to your e-commerce platform, and this should be an ongoing service, and without it, you will almost certainly be an ‘also ran’. The SEO agency would optimize your website for Google, while also building a social media following, indeed, they would use a number of strategies to create a very strong online presence, and this is the key to success.

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