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7 Branding And Marketing Tips From Experts

Whether your business is currently a small scale business or you own a giant platform, at some point you will definitely feel a need for branding and marketing.

You must be probably thinking about the importance of branding and marketing, don’t you?

Well, if you own a small scale business you probably want to expand it throughout the country first. When you are successful in doing this by building a giant platform, you will aim at expanding your business to every corner of the world. Don’t you?

Of course you will, as you want your brand to be known globally. This will help you to generate profit through sales throughout the world.

Social Influencers - Branding

Now to achieve this benchmark you need an identity that defines you and for that you need branding.

Further to make your brand available to the public you need marketing.

Now the question is how to achieve this?

Well, there are a lot of tips available online to achieve this but are they capable enough to do a job for you is a matter of discussion. To help you out on this, let us make it simple by discussing 7 branding and marketing tips from experts.

1. Use Name, Logo, and Theme

Now suppose you are walking along a street and suddenly a car passes by, you immediately identify the company by having a single look on the logo. In another case you read some famous theme and you immediately identify the company by relating the unique theme to a brand. This is the power of Logos and theme that distinguishes you from rest.

Logo can make a business more visible to the audience. More unique your Name, Logo, and Theme, the more it helps you to distinguish your business from others. It will also help you to create a sense of loyalty among your customers.

Not only this, if your customer gets satisfied with your product or service the chances of favoring your product and service increase. This makes a customer choose your products and services over your competitors, even if your product itself is actually no better than the products offered by your competitors. Logos and themes basically act as a seal of quality that forces customers to pay more for a brand that they associate with quality and trust.

2. SEO optimized website

Getting your business online can give you a sharp boost. For this you need to own your website. It should be user friendly and should have a high loading speed. Remember one thing, your website defines you and is one of the most crucial platforms where users can judge your capabilities. The first time user accesses your website can transform a user, into a regular customer or a seldom visitor. Better the website, more time users will spend on your platform. This will affect your sales positively.

Once you are done with your website, the next thing is to make it search engine friendly. In this you need to do a set of changes on your website so that it can be understood by search engines easily. The more information you provide to search engines, the greater will be the chances of receiving traffic on your website.

Increment in search results can lead to valuable new visits to your business site. More relevant keywords you create and implement, the higher position it will get in search results. This means more chances of your website being accessed by users.

3. Use Mobile Marketing

In today’s era mobile not only remains limited to communication but has evolved as an integral part of a person. Hence it can be used for Mobile marketing which is a type of digital marketing strategy that is basically used to reach audiences quickly. Mobile marketing is capable enough to take your business to every corner of the world This can be done through various techniques, among which most effective techniques are:


Push notifications technique

Push notifications are special messages that are composed of text, image, graphics, GIF’s, emojis, etc. The specialty of these messages is, these can be generalized and timed according to requirement.

According to “infographic” push notifications have an opening rate of 90% which is 50% higher than email marketing. Moreover, 40% of user interacts with push notifications within an hour of receiving them.

Mobile video marketing:

Mobile video marketing is an easy and effective technique to enhance user experience. You can put all the relevant information in a short and interesting video. This will let users grasp the information easily and effectively in a single go. It further helps you in creating loyal customers.

According to “smallbiztrends” companies that are using mobile video marketing are enjoying 41% more web traffic from search as compared to non-users.

Voice search optimization mobile marketing:

Not everyone likes to type a long text message as it takes more time and effort. The best way to tackle this, is to use the option of voice search optimization which will let your user, use their voice for searching and interacting. This will enhance their experience on your platform.

4. Be unique and consistent:

Content Marketing Plan

If you want to be discrete from the herd then you need to be unique. Try to project the real you and don’t try to copy others. Being unique may not pay you well in the beginning but over time it will help you to lead others. To help you understand this better let us consider a case of Audi. The logo of Audi is “four interlocking rings”. Now this brand has established itself, so powerfully in the market that any new brand with a logo composed of 3 or 5 interlocking rings cannot beat the competition easily. This is the power of uniqueness.

The second thing to consider is to be consistent with your brand. To engage with potential customers is precious for your business. It is better to use the same brand strategy on all channels rather than to use a different brand strategy for different channels. As different strategies will only confuse your audience and not let them decode your brand properly. So keep your channels harmonized by using consistent messaging on your website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This will help your users to understand your brand message and values behind it.

5. Use Social Media:

Social media is one of the most effective platforms to reach maximum users with minimum effort. Social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok can promote your business to every corner of the world within no time.

social media marketing for branding

Social media provides an opportunity to target certain demographics and niche markets. It is a platform that can bring you, new customers, through the implementation of targeted ads and the sharing of popular hashtags. You can also use this platform for creating potential brand ambassadors from the audience. They will help you in popularizing your brand by sharing positive views about your brand with their known ones.

It is a well-known fact that the audience is eagerly waiting for new products and services. So you can use this platform to introduce the audience about your freshly arrived products and services If you come up with something unique that is liked by the audience you will become popular within a few days with your brand. This is the power of social media, where the audience from whole over the world is interacting.

To understand this better let us go through some statistics:

According to “Statista”, in January 2020 numbers of users on various social media platforms were:

  • Facebook – 2.449 billion
  • YouTube – 2.0 billion
  • WhatsApp – 1.6 billion
  • WeChat – 1.151 billion
  • Instagram – 1.0 billion
  • Tik Tok – 800 million
  • Twitter – 340 million

6. Use Artificial Intelligence:


Artificial Intelligence has made a significant impact by making things easy and rapid. Haven’t you shown interest in some product and the ad for the same starts emerging on your screen while surfing on the internet? Yes! This is the power of this technology that studies the behavior of the audience and helps you to target the right audience. It will not only help you in advertising your business to the right audience but also aids you in sales. Let us discuss in detail how AI can help you to achieve your targets.

  • Personalization: If you are diving in the market with mass ads then these are not going to pay you. You should focus on more personalized ads. You can use AI and machine learning. They can collect real-time behavioral data from users based on age, gender, location, and other data points. It will allow you to target specific users that are interested in your products and services.
  • Ad creation: AI-powered systems are capable enough to create ads based on your targeted goals. This technology is already successfully running on social media platforms in which ads are suggested based on the links that you are promoting. This technology provides efficient benefits in less time with negligible efforts.
  • Selection of right media: If you are looking for a long-tail relationship then AI can help you with this. AI can help you to identify more receptive and loyal customers. AI is capable enough to continuously issue recommendations on refining the media by learning from responses of the audience on different channels.
  • Performance optimization: The algorithms used in machine learning are capable enough to analyze the performance of your ads on various platforms. Then it suggests, necessary recommendations to improve your performance on various platforms. It also helps you with highlighting performance issues that can hamper your process of advertising. This will help you save money and time.

7. Use Content Marketing:


Visibility is crucial for brands as if you don’t visualize your brand properly only a few audiences will know your brand. For this purpose you can use content marketing. In this site pages, blog posts, downloadable guides, webinars, and articles can help you to reach the maximum audience and also help you in displaying your potential. You can write informative content from a business point of view and post it online. The engaging content will trigger immediate action from the user and will do a job for you.

As sound content will help you to show your audience what your brand is all about. Branding and marketing are not only about letting your audience know your brand name. It should be such that they understand the quality you are providing them. It should make them feel proud that they are using a particular brand. For this you can write a page on your website describing your brand and its uniqueness that sets you apart from your competitors.

As every brand has a story behind its growth and success. You can use this strategy to make your audience familiar with your brand. You can tell the audience about your vision while starting a brand, then the path of your brand’s success along with your beliefs and brand value. This will not only help you to engage the audience with your brand but will also help in generating loyal customers. This strategy will finally let you achieve your sales target.


Branding and marketing require a unique strategy. If you want to start a business then it is better to learn from the people who carry in-depth knowledge about that business. For example, if you want to lead women’s fashion industry then you should go with some expert who carries sound knowledge in the same industry. But if you take advice from a person who has in-depth knowledge in the men’s fashion industry but has less knowledge about women’s fashion industry. The probability of your brand’s success will be lower as women’s fashion industry is different from the men’s fashion industry in various aspects.

Here in this article, a piece of expert advice is presented to you that will help you in creating your brand value and will lead you in successful marketing as per your future plans.

About the Author

Branding By8 is a Branding and Marketing in Dubai. As a leading branding company in Dubai it delivers creative experience and marketing strategies that amplify brand reach, breed customer loyalty, and helps in driving business growth.

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