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A Guide to a Career In Digital Marketing

A career in digital marketing is one that is virtually future proof. Marketing is always a necessity and digital is the area of growth. So, how do you get started? Well, this aim takes you from potential careerist to go getting professional. Follow the tips below to land a career in digital.

  1. Get Experience in Advertising

Getting advertising experience is as simple as watching online tutorials in Google AdWords and Facebook advertising on YouTube. Grasping the ins and outs might take some time, but it is worth investing the time now since both platforms are indispensable in the digital world of today.

Facebook Advertising

Having a working knowledge of both verticals will increase your hiring potential significantly. If you can, try getting practice in using both mediums for a friend or family member’s business. You can even offer services for free in exchange for using your results as real-life examples either during interviews or on your resume.

  1. Don’t Assume That You Are Done with Learning

Whenever you think that you have completed your education, take one more look. You will never run out of new things to learn and emerging technology to get your head around. It is important to strive to enhance your knowledge especially in the early days, because anything that you do now will most likely give you an advantage and help you stand out from your peers.

Digital Marketing Career

The constantly changing practices and tactics that Google allows and disallows from one week to the next means that you always have to keep your eyes on the prize. Whatever works this week might not necessarily work next week. To help you get started, you should consider checking out free courses from Google’s Digital Garage. This constant learning really adds satisfaction to a job and makes it meaningful work – something that is a must according to this piece: How to Find Meaningful Work in 2018

  1. Subscribe to Digital Marketing Blogs

A wealth of information is available online, which deals with the ins and outs of digital marketing. Part of the resources are some very good bloggers that provide an excellent starting point from which to start your journey in digital marketing including Content Marketing Institute, Copyblogger, Neil Patel, Seth Godin, among others.

  1. Have an Understanding of SEO

Ensure that you understand SEO in and out. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the fundamentals of digital marketing. This means that having a firm understanding and working knowledge of its application and what Google like and does not like, is critical to landing a digital marketing position without any experience.

This means that having a firm understanding and working knowledge of its application and what Google like and does not like, is critical to landing a digital marketing position without any experience.

search engine optimization digital marketing

The more evidence you are able to provide to recruiter to prove that you know exactly what you are talking about, and thus the less the investment on the part of the employer to help bring you up to speed, the more enjoyable you will be.

  1. Apply for Internships

If you have identified a company that you would like to work for or a field that you would like to work in, see whether you can intern there, or whether the company offers a shadowing scheme or working experience. The industry experience that you acquire will only make you more employable.

digital marketing intern

If you prefer starting at the bottom, then this is perfectly okay. Eat humble pie then acquire the hands-on experience required for more senior roles, and then apply for the jobs you really like. Your top priority at this stage should be to get your foot in the door, so avoid focusing too much on the rung of the ladder the door is on.

  1. A ‘Not-to-Do’ List

Avoid submitting a generic resume with a cover letter that sounds like everybody else’s. Tailor your resume to each application and ensure that your cover letter is unique.

Avoid fabricating skills or experience since you will be discovered. Put in the hard work and get something tangible on your resume.

Never give up. It does not matter the number of rejections that you receive since you only need one yes to get your dream job.

Finally, you can try putting all that you have learned about digital marketing, content marketing, SEO, and social media into practice by establishing your own blog. It will not only help you test out the skills you have acquired, but you will have an online portfolio where you can direct potential employers to and showcase your abilities too.

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