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3 Reasons Your SEO Efforts are Failing!

3 Major SEO Mistakes

  1. Premature start of the SEO company.
  2. Mistakes in working with headings and keywords.
  3. Disregard of any analysis and all statistics.

Every website owner, especially commercial, wants to increase the attendance of his resource. It can be done effectively with the help of a variety of different techniques, but a chief among them is Search Engine Optimization.

As a result of SEO promotion by the necessary query of users, your site can become a top one. From there, it’s downhill and quite simple: people looking for something on the Internet, set up a query in a search engine, see the link on your site and follow it.

Such clickthroughs are the most targeted because a user himself was looking for the information by your site theme or by your services / products. Therefore, he is already interested in your services or products. So you have a little left to do: simply compose your text correctly and keep the visitor engaged. However, it is not always possible and there a lot of commons reasons for it.


Starting from the wrong structure of the URL or incorrect programming and ending with bad website design and the wrong selection of keywords and tools of optimization can be devastating for any business.

Today, we will try to sort out the most common SEO mistakes and reveal a solid strategy on how to avoid them.

1. Premature start of the SEO company

Some eager owners of the websites, especially in the marketing sphere kick off an SEO company already at the design stage in order to save time and achieve the result as soon as possible. Although quick, this is the wrong approach. First, you need to determine what will motivate people to search for content on YOUR website and then set up a clear direction for what you want them to do. The goal of attracting visitors to the commercial websites is their conversion or in other words a desire to encourage a visitor to take some sort of action; for example, to buy a product. For blogs, this can be way different. Typically, a blog is more about readers and how to interest the visitor and make him a regular reader. But this is only one kind of conversion.

If the project is not completed yet but is already underway, a promotion in the result you will receive a high percentage of refusals and, as a consequence, a low credibility of the site by users. Therefore, make it a routine general rule for yourself out of the gate to optimize and then to promote.

2. Mistakes in working with headings and keywords.

As you probably know, nowadays the search engines are paying a lot more attention to the behavioral factors. Imagine searching results of TOP 10 for any query. If you managed to interest the majority of visitors to click exactly on your title, you will gradually rise up to the first slot, but if your competitor will be able to do so, then the first place will place his website.

There are such cases where the search engines try to compose the titles from a set of words independently because the keys that appear in the text of the article do not appear in the title. And it is quite bad for the promotion. This fact reveals another common mistake in SEO optimization – the wrong selection of keywords and their placement in the text.


In many content managements systems, the header of the article is transferred to the title which is located at the beginning of the article. However, the main title of the article that will be surrounded by the H1 tag is better to write manually for optimization. But you need to install the key phrase for which you are writing an article in both variants.

One more thing is the headings by way of a running head and texts in the form of graphics are ignored by search engines. As a rule, many website owners use this technique for the visual perception of the site. It is not advisable because the most valuable and important information in the form of keywords should be located at the top of the page. As an alternative, you may use a logo and key headers.

Therefore, in this example of an SEO mistake, we’re talking about a title of the page in the form of an image. It will be better to use CSS-styles for a more pleasant visual perception of an inscription.

3. Disregarding analytics and statistics

There are special analytical departments in the large SEO companies which monitor client’s sites. The easiest way to do everything correctly is to watch how the professionals are doing it. Almost all their work is based on the analysis. With a concentration on analytics, they identify their weaknesses and work towards resolving then. A smart website owner will follow this lead and do the same. First of all, you need to play close attention to the statistics counter. Such counters as Liveinternet and Google Analytics are two of the most popular.

Subsequently, you need to use the metrics which you collected with the help of these services. It means that you need to know all the weak areas of your site. With the help of analytics, you can find out why your position became lower or choose the best options for the location of the ad units on your page, based on the analysis of visitor’s behavior.

Here is a list of other important but less common mistakes in SEO promotion:

  • A huge number of typos and grammatical errors.
  • Dozens of keywords of HF. (These never looks organic.)
  • Not correctly setting the service files, such as robots.txt, sitemap, and 404 error.
  • Creating or Using Duplicate content.  If you’re not sure (or even as a general rule) you should run everything through a plagiarism checker such as course work help.
  • Disrupted links.
  • Usage of text hiding (invisible) tags links as the single-pixel images.
  • A presence of the large titles, descriptions, keywords and HTML comments.
  • An absence of a title tag for links and images on the site.
  • An excessive number of links with respect to the total volume of the textual information on the page.
  • The absence of alt tags for pictures and images.
  • Oversaturation of the advertisements. It is a sign of bad marketing.
  • Highlighting of the most important keywords with the help of logical, but not physical tags of the text highlighting.

And, for the parting tip: Remember this, the one important thing is the quality of the visitors on your site which will bring you the profit but not only their number. Okay, that being said not only should you go the extra mile with your search engine optimization, but think also about other factors such as usability, service, quality of the site, prices and etc., which will help you to achieve the goal of creating a successful site.

Author: Robert Everett – I am a freelance writer currently based in Chicago. Solving students career and university problems. Having an interest in marketing and business.
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